Browsing A - Agriculture by Title
Now showing items 69-88 of 258
Identifikasi Produktivitas Pekarangan Berdasarkan Periode Panen Untuk Menunjang Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Sangatta Utara
(SEKOLAH TINGGI PERTANIAN KUTAI TIMUR, 2021-12-23)Ketahanan pangan telah menjadi tantangan utama berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia. Permasalahan ketahanan pangan merupakan permasalahan lokal, nasional, dan global yang terus dicari solusinya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk ... -
(ZIRAA'AH MAJALAH ILMIAH PERTANIAN, 2017-02)The purpose of this study identify the parameters of the land degradation, in order to know the level of damage that occurs as a decision-making approach to the problem so that appropriate land productivity does not ... -
The Impact of the Oil Palm Plantation Area on the Community Economy in East Kutai Regency, East
(International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 2020-07-04)This article is about how the impact of change and the extent of existing activities contribute to the surrounding community. The development of large private plantations in the East Kutai Regency has also been inseparable ... -
Improving Fishermens Welfare with Fuel-Saving Technology
(Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2020-04-13)The problem of energy for fishermen is indeed very complex. When fuel prices rise, it is very worrying that the poor in Indonesia will increase. The study aimed to find out the development of fishermen, as well as the ... -
Indonesia’s New SDGs Agenda for Green Growth–Emphasis in the Energy Sector
(EconJournals, 2021-04-10)The concept of green growth is one part of the realization of sustainable development. To support this mission, Indonesia is taking part in global change by accelerating the development programs contained in the SDGs. We ... -
(HMPPI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Peduli Pangan Indonesia), 2021-10-16) -
Inventarisasi Cendawan Mikro Serta Potensinya Sebagai Biofertilizer dan Agensia Pengendalian Hayati Pada Lahan Reklamasi Tambang Batu Bara Di Samarinda
(Fakultas Pertanian Universitas 17 Agustus 1945., 2017-10) -
Investigation of C-Organic Content, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium Nutrients, pH Soil and C/N Ratio of Tidal Rice Fields in Sidomulyo Village, Anggana District, Kutai Kertanegara Regency, East Kalimantan
(Atlantis press, 2022-01-07)ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the content of organic C, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium nutrients, pH soil and C/N ratio in tidal paddy fields in Sidomulyo Village, Anggana District, Kutai Kertanegara ... -
Jurnal Maggot
(2023-02) -
Kajian Literatur Pemanfaatan Abu Terbang Batu-Bara Terhadap Serapan Fosfor Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman
(LPPM - Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, 2023-03)The process of producing fuel from coal produces coal fly ash (ATB) waste which has a negative impact on the environment and health. Each tonne of coal produced will produce a FABA of around 15% - 17%, consisting of 80-90% ... -
Kajian Penerapan Higiene Dan Sanitasi Di UMKM Dapur RI Samarinda.
(Mulawarman University Press, 2021-11-23)Catering sangat rentan terhadap insiden yang berkaitan dengan keamanan pangan. Keamanan pangan merupakan kondisi pangan yang terbebas dari kontaminasi biologis, fisik maupun kimia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami ... -
Kajian Penilaian Kesuburan Tanah Tegakan Dipterocarpaceae dan Non Dipterocarpaceae di Wanariset Samboja, Kalimantan Timur
(Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mulawarman, 2020-02)