Browsing A - Economics and Business by Title
Now showing items 253-272 of 666
Identification of Affective Commitment through Perceived Organizational Support
(2021-11-18)Previous studies have proven that human resources have an important role to play in the survival of organizations. Things related to employee work situations are important to note such as Perceived Organizational Support, ... -
Identifikasi modal dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja dan kesejahteraan usaha kecil di Kota Samarinda
(FEB Unmul, 2013-07-02) -
Identifikasi Pendapatan Penjual Ikan Kering: Fokus Kajian pada Usaha Rumah Tangga di Bontang Kuala
(AGRIKAN: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan, 2023-05-23)Kalimantan Timur merupakan Provinsi dengan satu diantara garis panjang pantai yang cukup panjang di Indonesia. Atas anugrah itu, artikel ini membahas tentang volume pendapatan dari kluster bisnis ikan kering yang dikelola ... -
The impact of COVID-19 on bank stability: Do bank size and ownership matter?
(Banks and Bank Systems, 2022-06-27)During the COVID-19 pandemic, bank stability became a priority for the Indonesian Financial Services Authority and the government. Economic activity is expected to be restored by muffling the shocks caused by the COVID-19 ... -
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on performance of small enterprises that are e-commerce adopters and non-adopters
(LLC 'Consulting Publishing Company"Business Perspective", 2021-09-03) -
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on performance of small enterprises that are e-commerce adopters and non-adopters
(Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2021-09-27)Researchers have emphasized the role of e-commerce for small enterprises in improving their performance. However, there is limited evidence on the use of e-commerce by small enterprises, and e-commerce adopters and ... -
The Impact of Financial Distress on Cash Holdings in Indonesia: Does Business Group Affiliation Matter?
(Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021-02-03)This study aims to investigate the impact of financial distress on the cash holding of non-financial companies in Indonesia as the largest emerging economy among ASEAN countries. Furthermore, the sub-sample business group ... -
(2021-11-20)Economic growth is one of indicators of the success of the government, as well as the phenomenon of declining economic growth rates even at the level of districts/cities, became the strategic issue of this research. The ... -
Impact of Halal Information on Purchasing Decisions moderated Religiosity in Food and Beverage Provision
(Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Mulawarman, 2021-06-30) -
Impact of operational activities on customer satisfaction in cafes and restaurants: A mediating role of infrastructural elements
(Innovative Marketing, 2022-10-11)- -
(Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 2022-01-05)In this era of sustainability, the hospitality industry, in particular the hotel business, need to take the sustainable innovations seriously. Hotel business is one of the main contributors to food waste. The Food and ... -
The Implementation of Lean Supply Chain Management to Improve Business Performance at a Balikpapan Public Hospital
(MICEB - FEB Unmul, 2023-10-10)This study investigates the relationship between Total Quality Management (TQM), Human Resources Management (HRM), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), efficiency performance, operational performance, and business performance ... -
The Implementation of Productive Zakat in Samarinda, East Kalimantan
(SCITEPRESS, 2018)This study describes the understanding and implementation of Samarinda community in distributing productive zakat directly or indirectly through agency or institution of zakat management that is available, with an ... -
Implikasi Pasar Modal Syariah dan Variabel Makro Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Periode 2015-2020
(JESM, 2022-06-01)Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pasar modal syariah dalam penelitian ini yaitu saham syariah dan sukuk korporasi serta variabel makroekonomi yaitu inflasi, kurs, dan ekspor terhadap pertumbuhan ... -
In the Era of Digitization, Government’s Role in Alleviating Stunting
(Webology, Volume 19, Number 1, January, 2022, 2022-01-01)The digital era transforms behavior change; this study aims to determine the role of local governments in the digital era and the pandemic in alleviating stunting in Indonesia. This type of research is qualitative; the ... -
Individual Islamic Investors Behavior on Investment Decisions: An Empirical Study from East Kalimantan Province Indonesia
(University of Tehran, 2022-09-21)The study examined the influence of investment decision behavior on individual Islamic investors in the real and financial sectors because there are few studies on Muslim groups who invest in the real and financial ... -
Indonesia Islamic Stock Return Performance in The Time of Covid19 Outbreak
(Dekan FEB Universitas Mulawarman, 2021-02-08) -
Indonesian Government's Budgeting Responses during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multi-Level Governance and Actor-Network Theory Perspectives
(JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS EDUCATION, 2021-09-01)Indonesia is one country affected by Covid-19. The Indonesian government has responded this outbreak by implementing an open policy, not a total lockdown as implemented in several countries in Asia and Europe. Our study ...