Browsing Letters by Title
Now showing items 1069-1088 of 2073
(UNMUL, 2022-04-25) -
PJR/Pengawas UTBK 2021
(2021-04-16) -
PKM-ST-Suket-Desa Budaya Lekaq Kidau-Sosialisasi Objek Pemajuan Kebudayaan-18 sd 21 Mei 2022
(Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Mulawarman, 2022-05-21) -
(2023-11-23) -
Potential analysis of location, socio-culture and biodiversity as ecotourism attraction in Valentine Bay on Buano Island, West Seram, Maluku, Indonesia
(Universitas Negeri Solo, 2021-01-01)This study aims to analyze the potential of flora and fauna in the mangrove ecosystem as an attraction for ecotourism development, knowing the role of stakeholders in supporting ecotourism development strategies in the ... -
Pra FGD 2021
(FKIP UNMUL, 2021-11-05) -
Praktikum Fisika Dasar 2 2023
(FMIPA Universitas Mulawarman, 2023-06-05) -
Presensi Perkuliahan 2024
(2024) -
Productivity of three varieties of local upland rice on swidden agriculture field in Setulang village, North Kalimantan, Indonesia
(Universitas Negeri Solo, 2020-01-01)Swidden agriculture field is a dry land used by traditional farmers to cultivate some varieties of local upland rice intercropped with vegetables, tubers, and fruits. This rotational cultivation system utilizes the land ... -
Program Inspiring Lecturer Paragon
(PT Paragon Technology and Inovation, 2021-06-26) -
Proses pembuatan ekstrak herbal Centella asiatica dan penggunaannya sebagai spasmolitik saluran nafas
Sjarif Ismail, Emil Bachtiar Moerad, Swandari Paramita, Abdillah Iskandar. Proses pembuatan ekstrak herbal Centella asiatica dan penggunaannya sebagai spasmolitik saluran nafas. (2019). Universitas Mulawarman. IDP000056235. ... -
Publikasi Hasil Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat di Jurnal PENGMAS UNSYIAH
(Jurnal Unsyiah PETAMAS, 2022-08-18) -
Publikasi Ilmiah
(2023-06-01) -
Publikasi Ilmiah
(2023-05-31) -
Publikasi Ilmiah
(2023-03-01) -
Publikasi Ilmiah