Browsing Letters by Title
Now showing items 162-181 of 2073
Daftar Nama Peserta dan Asesor Beban Kerja Dosen (BKD) Semester Genap TA. 2012-2013 PS. Kimia Fakultas MIPA Universitas Mulawarman
(FMIPA Universitas Mulawarman, 2013-12-04) -
Dalam Kegiatan Workshop Geofisika "Introduction and Application of Geophysical Methods"
(Prodi Geofisika Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNMUL, 2021-10-16) -
Daya Saing Produk-produk Industri Kecil dan Menengah (Kelompok Barang Kayu dan Hasil Hutan) di Kota Tarakan
(Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda, 2016-03)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui daya saing dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi daya saing dari produk-produk industri kecil dan menengah (kelompok barang kayu dan hasil hutan) di Kota Tarakan. Lokasi penelitian ... -
Delegasi ke MSU
(Sulistyo Prabowo, 2024-10-14) -
Delegasi ke USM
(Sulistyo Prabowo, 2024-11-04) -
Developing Tropical Studies-based English Module for Students of Mulawarman University
(FKIP UNMUL, 2022-04-12)Pengumuman lolos seleksi hibah penelitian FKIP UNMUL -
Development of allometric relationships for estimate above ground biomass of trees in the tropical abandoned land
(Society for Indonesian Biodiversity, 2019-12)The abandoned lands have important role in the ecological function as well as carbon sequestration. The allometric equations to estimate above ground biomass in abandoned land are still limited available. This study objective ... -
Development Small Medium Enterprises - KHON KAEN UNIVERSITY
(2023-02-19) -
Dewan Pengurus Daerah Prov. Kaltim - ASKI
(2021-06-08) -
Dewan Redaksi Jurnal Chemurgy Semester Ganjil 2022-2023
(Universitas Mulawarman, 2022-11-03) -
The Diameter Increment of Selected Tree Species in a Secondary Tropical Forest in Sarawak, Malaysia
(Society for Indonesian Biodiversity, 2017-01-17)The diameter at breast height (DBH) increments of dominant tree species in a secondary forest can determine forest growth in the area. This study was conducted to investigate the DBH increments of the nine dominant tree ... -
Diskusi ilmiah Series 1
(2021-05-27) -
Dispel Sempro THP 2024
(Sulistyo Prabowo, 2024-12-30) -
Dokumen Rencana Asesmen & Evaluasi (RAE)
(2022-01-03) -
Dosen Pembimbing Akademik PS TK Ganjil 2018-2019