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dc.contributor.authorKurniawan, Dydik
dc.contributor.authorMelinda, Lea
dc.description.abstractBackground - It currently affects the entire society and education sector in Indonesia, as well as guidance and counseling teachers in the implementation of guidance and counseling services in schools, from the problems currently facing the Indonesian nation concerning Covid-19. Purpose - This study aimed to evaluate the assessment of ICT users in Guidance and Therapy Services during the 2020/2021 COVID-19 pandemic in Samarinda. Design/methodology/approach - The research was carried out is assessment-based. Sukmadinata (2009: 120) is an evaluation method for the systematic collection and analysis of data to determine the value or benefit (worth) of educational practice. Using certain standards or criteria, the value or benefit of educational the practice is based on the results of measurement or data collection. Students and female Se Samarinda students are the subjects of the research. The data analysis technique used in this research uses research data obtained from the results of the evaluation of each research variable based on research indicators that are arranged into a research instrument (questionnaire). Findings - Services during the Covid-19 pandemic in Samarinda in 2020/2021 obtained from student perceptions as follows: a. Use of ICT Guidance and Counseling Media (PowerPoint, youtube, audio, visual, audiovisual, etc.) and platforms (zoom, Webex, WA, Facebook, google classroom, etc.) with 72.73% b. Attitudes of students towards the use of ICT Guidance and Counseling (PowerPoint, youtube, audio, visual, audiovisual, etc.) and platforms (zoom, Webex, WA, Facebook, google classroom, etc.) 63.18% c. The frequency of use of ICT Guidance and 142 Counseling (PowerPoint, youtube, audio, visual, audiovisual, etc.) and platforms (zoom, Webex, WA, Facebook, google classroom, etc.) 62.20%. d. Benefits in using the Guidance and Counseling Service and Platform Services media (zoom, Webex, WA, Facebook, google classroom, etc.) 62.27% Based on the results obtained by an average of 65.09% of student questionnaires, it can be concluded that the use of ICT in Guidance and Counseling Services during the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out "Good Enough". Research limitations - Evaluation of the use of ICT in guidance and counselling services during the 2020/2021 pandemic of Covid-19 in Samarinda Originality/value - From this research, it is hoped that the development and improvement of the competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers can be carried out in providing guidance and counseling services during this pandemicen_US
dc.subjectEvaluation, ICT, Guidance and Counseling, Covid-19 pandemicen_US
dc.titleBook of Abstract The 3rd Educational Science International Conference (3rd ESIC)en_US
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation Of Ict Utilization In Counseling And Counseling Services During The Se-Samarinda Covid-19 Pandemic, 2020/2021en_US

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