Browsing Sertifikat by Title
Now showing items 624-643 of 5338
(2021-10-02) -
Gambir Trade Talks
(Badan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Perdagangan, Kemendag RI, 2021-08-05) -
Gap Analysis dalam artikel scopus
(2021-07-01) -
Gaya Hidup Sehat, Kekinian Dengan Pangan Lokal
(2021-06-23) -
Geder in The Al Quran: The Perspectives and Social Movement
(Pusat Pengarusutamaan Gender dan Hak Anak (P2GHA) Kalijaga Institute for Justice (KIJ) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogjakarta, 2021-08-25) -
Gelar Wicara " Eskalasi Covid-19 di Indonesia"
(2021-07-11) -
Gender Equity and Social Inclusion for Social Resilience
(2021-10-06) -
Gender in Al Qur'an
(P2GHA - KIJ UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta - UIN Mataram, 2021-08-25) -
General Lecture Series-2 Eurosia Foundation (from Asia) Year 4th "Education of Asian Community"
(Teacher Training &Education Faculty Of Tadulako University, Indonesia, 2021-03-17) -
General lecture: How to get published in high impact journal, Tips and tricks_World Class Professors University of Boras and Universitas Gadjah Mada
(Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2021-10) -
General lecturer "Insights into toxic effects of ZnO and CuO nanoparticle on spring Barley"
(Univesitas Sebelas Maret Solo, 2021-08-30) -
General Lecturer ICTROPS 2021
(2021-10-06) -
Generasi #cari_aman untuk Indonesia