Browsing Sertifikat by Title
Now showing items 306-325 of 5338
Carbon Tax
(ILSA Universitas Brawijaya, 2021-09-10) -
Carbonate Rock and Reservoir
(Fakultas Teknik UNMUL, 2021-07-31) -
Cell Biology Module A: Research on Cell Biology
(2021-08-03) -
Cerdas Belajar Melalui Dunia Digital
(2021-10-30) -
Cerdaskan Pemuda Ciptakan Generasi Emas Indonesia
(2021-10-24) -
(2021-10-24) -
Cerified Digital Marketing Communication
(2022-01-04) -
Certificate as Oral Presenter in International Conference
(2021-09-07) -
Certificate as Participant - SDG Talks: Save Energy, Stay Eco-friendly (Making World Environment Day)
(Katadata Indonesia, 2021-06-04) -
Certificate as participants
(Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Mulawarman, Indonesia, 2021-11-03)The 3rd Mulawarman International Conference on Economic & Business (MICEB) 2021 is refereed conference organized by Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda, Indonesia. The 3rdsup> MICEB is our ... -
Certificate as speaker in the Webinar - "Membunuh Sungai: Bagaimana Pertambangan Batubara Indominco Mandiri Meninggalkan Warisan Maut dan Meracuni Air Sungai Palakan - Santan di Kalimantan Timur"
(Prodi Pembangunan Sosial FISIP UNMUL, 2021-06-11) -
Certificate Author
(2021-11-16) -
Certificate Course Assemblelearners and staff with Microsoft Teams meetings
(Microsoft, 2021-12-16) -
Certificate Course Collaborate with colleagues through live Teams meetings and OneNote
(Microsoft, 2021-12-16) -
Certificate Course Conclusion Office 365 Teacher Academy
(Microsoft, 2021-12-17) -
Certificate Course Crafting a collaborativelearning environment with Class
(Microsoft, 2021-12-17)