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dc.contributor.authorNurani, Yuliani
dc.contributor.authorHartati, Sofia
dc.contributor.authorSatriana, Malpaleni
dc.contributor.authorHapidin, Hapidin
dc.identifier.citationGame Innovation Development of Multiple Intelligence-Based Puppet Filmsen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research makes game innovation development with the children's game Pipileman; one of the games in Jatitujuh Village, West Java. Game Pipileman, which can only be played in the evening, will be developed so that it can be played during the day and anywhere with materials as well as tools that are safe for children. This research is research and development (R&D) to produce and test the effectiveness of these products. The application of nine aspects of intelligence are embodied into development themes and indicators and the sequence of learning strategies. Based on the results of the field trials that were conducted to test the effectiveness of a model puppet game films in the learning process in children, it can be concluded that the activity of the game puppet film that has been designed and developed systematically can improve achievement indicators of the mulitple intelligences of the child.en_US
dc.publisherPrimrose Hall Publishing Groupen_US
dc.subjectPipileman Games, Innovation, Puppet Film Games, Plural Intelligenceen_US
dc.titleGame Innovation Development of Multiple Intelligence-Based Puppet Filmsen_US

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