Browsing A - Agriculture by Author "Widiati, Kusno Yuli"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
The ecological and economic values of secondary forest on abandoned land in Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
Karmini, Karmini; Karyati, Karyati; Widiati, Kusno Yuli (Society for Indonesian Biodiversity and Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, 2020-11)There is a large area of abandoned land in East Kalimantan Province. These abandoned traditional gardens which have been neglected for a long time have important ecological and economic values. This study aimed to assess ... -
The role of tropical abandoned land relative to ecological and economic aspects
Karmini, Karmini; Karyati, Karyati; Widiati, Kusno Yuli (Forestry Faculty, Universitas Hasanuddin, 2020-04)The floristic structure and composition of abandoned lands in the tropic have been observed to be changing dynamically during the succession process. This is mostly because they are not utilized maximally, therefore, there ...