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dc.contributor.authorWarman, Warman
dc.description.abstractPlans for utilization of timber in plantations covering 30,454 ha by PT. Mahakarya Perda Gemilang in Kutai regency of East Kalimantan province besides a positive impact also negative impact the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the surrounding community. The surve results revealed that the average household income per capita per year is good enough or are no classified as poor. Besides As with farmers, civil servants and employees of the company, they als have side jobs such as working as a builder, selling groceries and fishing. Land area in controlled an average of 2 hectares per household obtained from parental inheritance, opening the fores itself, and some who do not own land, because they even have a family as head of the family, they still ride in the elderly. The type and non-formal economic activity in general is quite varied such as shops, kiosks groceries, cooperatives, coffee shops, and lodging. Economic infrastructure is sufficient. Applicable customs are tribal Kutai and Dayak tribes. The role of traditional leaders is dominant in resolving issues related to customary law. The things that a ban has been arranged with the council, for example, prohibited liquor, intimate relationships before marriage. Social conflicts are rare, and the source of the cause of young people is a problem and can be solved bywayof deliberation / familiarity. The process of assimilation has occurred between them. Social institutions and functioning properly include RT, Institute of Traditional, village councils, and religious institutions. People's perception of the business plan on the utilization of timber plantations by PT. Mahakarya Perdana Gemilang very positive. People consider that the presence of PT. Mahakarya Perdana Gemilang will benefit them.en_US
dc.publisherLaboratorium PPKn FKIP Unlam dan Asosiasi Sarjana dan Dosen PPKn Kalimantan Selatanen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan;Volume 3 Nomor 5
dc.subjectsocial cultureen_US
dc.titleSocio-Economic Conditions and Cultural Communities around the Area PT. Mahakarya Perdana Gemilang in the District Kutai Kartanegara of Province East Kalimantanen_US

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