Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat di Sekitar Daerah Rencana Penambangan Batu Bara PT. Sinar Kumala Naha (SKN) di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara
Plan of coal mining of PT. Sinar Kumala Naga (SKN jin Sub-Province of Kutai Kartanegara, besides affecting positive also negative to the social economic condition and society culture. The result from research known that
average value of income household for a month is good enough or impecunious. In general they were farmer, and only some of them having side jobs and saving. The area which in possession by each family average 3,25 Ha wide per family that they got from opening forest by themself, old fellow heritage, and distribution of transmigration. Activity of local economics still
orient at accomplishment of requirement of fundamental. Economics infrastructure still very limited. Dominant mores is tribe custom of Kutai and of Banjar, they religion are Islam, so that cultural value and norm which expand stem from religion teaching which they embrace. Something else start to expand cultural values of negativity like forbidden drugs, prostitution and
liquor, Social conflict only some of small things, that generating conflict are company waste and land. Process assimilate still rare happened among them. Institute functioning and existing social better for example RT, village, Farmer group and Posyandu. Perception society to plan of coal mining very positive. Society assess that attendance of PT. SKN will give benefit for them.