Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi dan Budaya Masyarakat di Sekitar Daerah Rencana Penambangan Batu Bara PT. Guruh Putra Bersama (GPB) di Kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara
Coal mining Plan of PT. Guruh Putra Besama (GBP) in Kutai Kartanegara, except positive impact also have negative impact to social cultural and
economic condition of around society. From the result of the research has been known that society economic rate in general was good enough, or out from property line.
The area occupied on average 3.25 ha per head of the family. Local economic
activities are still focused on the fulfillment of basic needs, although the paper has sufficient economy. Tradition that dominant is Kutai. Cultural values such as negative liquor, prostitution, lottery (coupon white) and the issue of drugs, does not exist in the region. Social conflict was occurred, triggered by air pollution and waste management by PT. Indonesian Pratama considered less professional. The assimilation process still rare among them, existing social institutions and function well among others, RT, KUD, and Posyandu. Public perception of the plan of mining coal is very positive, because it will provide benefits for them.