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dc.contributor.authormuslifar, rury
dc.contributor.authorpratiwi, Yasintha Sari
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to describe the brain waves of prospective counselors and counselees through EEG (Electroencephalography) in the counseling process. This study uses a qualitative approach with a generic study of students who suffer from phobias and prospective counselors who provide counseling to these students (counselees). Researchers not only used EEG results as the main data, but researchers also collected data by interviews, documentation, and observation. The research that has been carried out produces a description of brain waves through EEG (Electroencephalography) for prospective counselors, including (a) Before the counseling process carried out by prospective counselors produces normal brain waves without any pathological waves. (b) During the counseling process carried out by the 65 prospective counselor it produces abnormal brain waves I with the type of ISA (Intermittent Slow Activity) waves. This means that the prospective counselor experiences a slowdown in brain waves as a whole and this phenomenon is called DMN (Brain Default Mode Network) which is caused by the counselor going blank and daydreaming during counseling. Description of brain waves through EEG (Electroencephalography) for counselees, including (a) before the counseling process carried out by the counselee produces normal brain waves with high Bheta brain waves and muscle and heart contractions indicating anxiety during the brain wave recording period; (b) after the counseling process carried out by the counselee produces normal brain waves with a record of reduced continuous muscle and heart contractions. This indicates that counseling results in healing progress for counselee phobias. The prospective counselor's paradigm view of neurocounseling refers to the importance of (a) initial and final assessments of counselees based on empirical results such as EEG and other tools (b) the importance of integration and development and renewal of counseling theories (c) the scientific study of Neurocounseling becomes opportunities for prospective counselors to better prepare themselves to face competition among fellow professions by presenting a new nuance to the counseling process in a more empirical manner and based on scientific processes and results.en_US
dc.subjectThe prospective counselor neuroconseling paradigm : A descriptive study of changes in the counselor' and counselee's brain waves in the counseling processen_US
dc.titleThe prospective counselor neuroconseling paradigm : A descriptive study of changes in the counselor' and counselee's brain waves in the counseling processen_US

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