The Purpose of This Research is the Development of Guidance and CounselingApplications Online(Web) at SMAN 1 Balikpapan. The research method using descriptive method using the approach of research and development(researchanddevelopment).Descriptive research is a research that attempts to clearly describe a phenomenon and event that occurs now, which means focusing on actual problems as they were at the time the research was conducted. Based on the research method used, namely research and development, the procedures that can be taken include the following steps: Stage, Data Collection Phase, Data Processing and Analysis Phase, Designing Phase, Validation, and Model Revision, Limited Test Phase and Revision Phase. Guidance and counseling services in SMAN 1 are not yet fully optimal, because there are limitations of time and place, so service delivery has so far been focused on students who have problems. There are still many students who have never come to the BK room, they feel awkward when visiting the BK room, and often get obstacles when consulting.Keywords: Guidance and Counseling, Web (online).INTRODUCTIONThe development in the era of globalization is so rapid, making all aspects of life affected. Both in the field of education are very large changes due to the influence of IT. Nowadays,sophistication hasinformation technologyandcommunicationof rapid exchange of information without any restrictions.Balikpapan Public High School 1 is an International Standard School (RSBI) in East Kalimantan, so the system used has experienced a significant change towards a more modern and sophisticated, not only done conventionally but has been based on information technology (IT). Everyone in the school is expected to be able to use an information technology-based system to support the previous system, so that the results can be better so that the target can be achieved. In line with the development of computer technology, the interaction between counselors and the individuals they serve (counselees) is not only done through face-to-face relationships but can also be done throughrelationships virtual (virtual)throughthe internet, in the form of "cybercounseling".One of the divisions that will use a system based on information technology is a division of guidance and counseling of students, which will be created a application web-based (web-based),so that the process of guidance and counseling can be done without having to meet in person between counselors and students want to do guidance and counseling. With this new technique, the process of guidance and counseling will be more interesting, interactive and has no restrictions while still paying attention to the code of ethics of guidance and counseling.