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dc.descriptionPengembangan produktivitas indukan merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam peningkatan populasi ternak terutama kambing sebagai hewan prolifik. Alternatif metode yang digunakan sebagai acuan dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas indukan adalah dengan menetapkan standar menggunakan indeks ukuran tubuh ternak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh morfometrik dan indeks ukuran tubuh terhadap litter size pada kambing lokal Indonesia diberbagai paritas.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe development of broodstock productivity is a very important part of increasing the livestock population, especially goats as prolific animals. The alternative method used as a reference in an effort to improve the quality of the broodstock is to set standards using the livestock body size index. This study aims to determine the effect of morphometric and body size index on litter size in Indonesian local goats at various parities. This research was conducted in 2 (two) locations, namely Lempake sub-district, Samarinda, and PT. Equalindo Farm, Kutai Kartanegara. The research was carried out from December 2021 until February 2022 with a purposive sampling method and total sampling, namely sampling according to the criteria determined by the researcher, namely ewe in Etawa crossbreed (PE) goats and Jawarandu goats that had experienced parity 1 to parity 4. Regression and correlation analysis were used as research data analysis. The results of the research on qualitative characteristics showed that the PE goat showed the dominant coat color was black and white with a percentage of 84.61%, while in Jawarandu it was dominated by black with a percentage of 33.33%. Observations on the parity of the body size of the PE and Jawarandu goats showed that the increasing parity of the broodstock had an effect on the addition of morphometrics to the broodstock. The goat's morphometric condition is able to have an influence on the presence of a body size index, both breeders and industry can make selections in choosing mother goats. Meanwhile, the effect of body size index on litter size shows that the greater the body size index, the greater the litter size that will be produced by the ewe goaten_US
dc.publisherJurnal Ilmiah Fillia Cendekia Prodi Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian UNISKA Kedirien_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJURNAL ILMIAH FILLIA CENDEKIA;Volume 7 Nomor 2 Oktober 2022
dc.titlePengaruh Morfometrik Serta Indeks Ukuran Tubuh Terhadap Litter Size Pada Berbagai Paritas Kambing Lokal Indonesiaen_US
dc.title.alternativeEffect of Morphometric and Body Size Index toward Litter Size in Various Parities of Indonesian Local Goatsen_US

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