Browsing Hak Cipta by Author "Usman, Usman"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Anti-diabetic And Antimicrobial Activities Of The Ethanolic Extract From Rhizophora Mucronata Leaf
Usman, Usman (2022-12-03)Objectives: The purpose of this work is to investigate the anti-diabetic and anti-microbial properties of the ethanolic extract from Rhizophora mucronata leaf, as well as the phytochemical elements present in the leaf ... -
Antibacterials Activity of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi by Acetone Extract of the Lichen Usnea sp.
Andi Nafisah, Tendri Adjeng; Akhmad, Darmawan; Prima Endang, Susilowati; Besse, Vika; Andi, Musdalifah; Usman, Usman; Nurlansi, Nurlansi; Muhammad, Nurdin; Maulidiyah, Maulidiyah (AIP PublishingAIP Conference Proceedings 2719, 030018 (2023) Conference Proceedings 2719, 030018 (2023), 2023-05-02). Lichen organisms have been used by the community as traditional herbal ingredients, especially lichens of the genus Usnea sp.. In this study, we focused on examining the effect of the acetone extract lichen Usnea sp. ... -
Developing IT-Based Learning Media of the Aufbau Electron Configuration Principle in Constructivism Oriented Chemistry Learning to Improve Mastery of Concepts and Problem Solving Skills
Muhammd, Aripin; Mukhamad, Nirhaidi; Muh, Amir; Usman, Usman (2023-01-27)Abstract. The development of IT-based Aufbau electron configuration principle media has been conducted. This study aims to identify the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the use of the media to improve students’ ... -
Development Of Integrated Instrument Components Learning Media (KIT) Tamoka Pain Of Chemical Bonding Through Guided Inquiry Learning Model For X Class IPA Students Of SMAN 7 Samarinda
Sutarman, Sutarman; Usman, Usman; Lambang, Subagiyo (2023-01-14)Background: According to media expert validators, the average percentage score of aspects of content/material, linguistic, presentation, technical quality and effects on learning strategies is 93.50% while student ... -
Development of Learning Media for Chemistry Playing Cards Digital (Kami Kita) On Colloidal Material System
Damianus, Erik,; Muhammad Amir, Masruhim; Aman Sentosa, Panggabean; Usman, Usman (2022-07-14)Background: Thischemistrycardmediaprovidesopportunitiesforstudentstolearnactivelyanddevelopcreativeabilitiesinunderstan dingchemistryusinggames. The form of playing card games in chemistry learning is not muchdifferent ... -
Inhibitory Activity of Candida albicans Fungi by Acetone Extract of the Lichen Usnea sp.
Maulidiyah, Maulidiyah; Prima Endang, Susilowati; Saprin, Saprin; Lilis, Diraa; Muhammad, Natsir; Usman, Usman; Nurlansi, Nurlansi; Muhammad, Nurdin (AIP Publishing, 2023-05-02)Abstract. Lichen is a unique organism that produces various organic compounds such as primary and secondary metabolites. In this study, we focused on reporting the growth inhibitory activity of Candida albicans fungi by ... -
Integration of Water Treatment Knowledge Using SETS Approach in Online Chemistry Learning to Improve Chemical Literacy of Students on the Aspect of Knowledge and Context
Pintaka, Kusumaningtyas; Sihol Dwijaya, Gultom; Usman, Usman; Nisaa, Ul Khoiriyyah (2023-01-11)Abstract. Chemical science literacy is one of the skills that students must master in the 21st century to solve their daily lives. One of the problems students face in the Delta Mahakam area is the difficulty of getting ... -
Judul Ciptaan : Powerpoint Interaktif All In One
Syaiful, Bahri; Mukhamad, Nurhadi; Usman, Usman (2022-11-14) -
Judul Ciptaan: Media Pembelajaran 3D Pop Up Chemistry
Ijai, Ijai; Lambang, Subagiyo; Nurlaili, Nurlaili; Usman, Usman (Kementerian Hukum dan Hak asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia, 2022-04-27) -
Media Pembelajaran 3D Pop Up Chemistry
Ijai, Ijai; Subagiyo, Lambang; Nurlaili, Nurlaili; Usman, Usman (2022-04-27) -
Pembelajaran Materi Larutan Asam Basa Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Google Form
Usman, Usman; Hakim, Abdul (2022-12-03)Basis Data : Pembelajaran Materi Larutan Asam Basa Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Google Form -
Program Komputer: Fun Chemistry
Sari Ayu, Rowaidah; Mukhamad, Nurhadi; Usman, Usman (KEMENTERIAN HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA, REPUBLIK INDONESIA, 2023-09-21) -
Strugemo (Struktur Geometri Molekul)
Sri Rahayu, Ningsih; Zulkarnaen, Zulkarnaen; Usman, Usman (Kemen terian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Repoblik Indonesia, 2022-02-17)