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dc.descriptionEfektifitas Perilaku Kerja Dan Tujuan Kerja Pegawai Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Dosen PNS Di Universitas Mulawarman.en_US
dc.description.abstract74BEduManageRs JournalBorneo Educational Management and Research Journal, Vol.2, No.1, 2021ISSN: 2747-0504Jurnal BeduManagers, Vol.2, No.1, Juni2021Efektifitas Perilaku Kerja Dan Tujuan Kerja Pegawai Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Dosen PNSDi Universitas Mulawarman.HaeruddinManajemen Pendidikan Program Doktor FKIP Universitas MulawamranAlamat : Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara Gedung A 3 Kampus Gunung Kelua,Samarinda. Telp./HP. 081399205400, 065246854787 Samarinda 75123E-mail: study aims to analyze the effect of work behavior, teaching work goals, research and service on work performance, and analyze the effect of work behavior on teaching work goals, research and community service. The research method used was a research method combination of explanatory sequential design models. The first phase was conducted using quantitative method. The quantitative data were obtained from 96 lecturers of civil servants at Mulawarman University using a proportional stratified clusterrandom sampling technique. Data was collected by documentation based on the value of the employee work goals in 2020 which was then analyzed using statistical path analysis. Subsequently, the second phase was carried out using the qualitative method by collecting data through interviews, participant observation and documentation related to work behavior, teaching work goals, research, community service, and job performance of civil servants lecturers at Mulawarman University. The results revealed that 1) there was an influence of behavior, teaching work goals, research and community service together based on quantitative and qualitative analysis, 2) there was an influence of behavior on teaching work goals, research, community service and work performance based on quantitative analysis and qualitative. 3) Based on qualitative data, the leadership style also affected the work performance of lecturers of civil servants at Mulawarman Universityen_US
dc.subjectwork behavioren_US
dc.subjectemployee work goals and work performanceen_US
dc.titleEfektifitas prilaku kerja dan tujuan kerja pegawai terhadap prestasi kerja dosen PNS di Unmulen_US

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