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dc.contributor.authorDarma, Suria
dc.contributor.authorRamayana, Syamad
dc.contributor.authorSupriyanto, Bambang
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the content of organic C, N, P, K, pH and C/N ratio in rainfed rice fields in Sarinadi Village, Kota Bangun District, Kutai Kertanegara Regency, East Kalimantan; use for productivity sustainability conservation; and identify the current fertility condition of the land and for sustainable management actions. The research was carried out by taking 5 soil samples from 10 designated rainfed rice fields, using a soil drill with a depth of ±30 cm, taking 1 kg compositely from each of the 5 samples and chemically analyzing the composite samples at the Soil Science Laboratory. Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University. The results of the laboratory analysis provide information that: the soil pH parameter shows an acid status – 4 samples, an average of 4.65 - and very acidic - 6 samples, an average of 4.35; parameter of C-organic content showed low status – 4 samples, average 1.8%, and medium status - 6 samples, average 2.26%; Total N content parameters, all samples showed moderate status, with an average of 0.33%; parameter C/N ratio, all 10 samples showed the low category, with an average of 6.28%; parameter P Available indicates medium status - 2 samples namely 10.73 ppm and 7.27 ppm -, low status there are - 8 samples, average 5.73 ppm - ; parameter K Available, all samples showed very high status with an average of 91.18 ppm.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDana Hibah Penelitian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mulawarman tahun anggaran 2020-2021en_US
dc.publisherJurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas pertanian Unmulen_US
dc.subjectInvestigation, C-organic, C/N Ratio, Rainfed Rice Fieldsen_US
dc.titleInvestigasi Kandungan C-Organik, Nitrogen, P dan K, pH dan Rasio C/N Sawah Tadah Hujan di Desa Sarinadi, Kecamatan Kota Bangun, Kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara, Kalimantan Timuren_US

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