Investigasi Kandungan C-Organik, Nitrogen, P dan K, pH dan Rasio C/N Sawah Tadah Hujan di Desa Sarinadi, Kecamatan Kota Bangun, Kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara, Kalimantan Timur
Darma, Suria
Ramayana, Syamad
Supriyanto, Bambang
Show full item recordAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the content of organic C, N, P, K, pH and C/N ratio in rainfed rice fields in Sarinadi Village, Kota Bangun District, Kutai Kertanegara Regency, East Kalimantan; use for productivity sustainability conservation; and identify the current fertility condition of the land and for sustainable management actions. The research was carried out by taking 5 soil samples from 10 designated rainfed rice fields, using a soil drill with a depth of ±30 cm, taking 1 kg compositely from each of the 5 samples and chemically analyzing the composite samples at the Soil Science Laboratory. Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University. The results of the laboratory analysis provide information that: the soil pH parameter shows an acid status – 4 samples, an average of 4.65 - and very acidic - 6 samples, an average of 4.35; parameter of C-organic content showed low status – 4 samples, average 1.8%, and medium status - 6 samples, average 2.26%; Total N content parameters, all samples showed moderate status, with an average of 0.33%; parameter C/N ratio, all 10 samples showed the low category, with an average of 6.28%; parameter P Available indicates medium status - 2 samples namely 10.73 ppm and 7.27 ppm -, low status there are - 8 samples, average 5.73 ppm - ; parameter K Available, all samples showed very high status with an average of 91.18 ppm.
- J - Agriculture [654]