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dc.contributor.authorDianingtyas, Hestu Prawari
dc.contributor.authorSuharno, Suharno
dc.contributor.authorAbidin, Zainal
dc.description.abstractDuring the COVID-19pandemic, the goal of this research was to see how experiential marketing and e-WOM affected brand trust and loyalty at Starbucks Samarinda. Starbucks customers in Samarinda made up the majority of the study's participants, with 160 people taking part. The data is gathered by asking Starbucks customers in Samarinda a series of questions or filling out a questionnaire. This research is classified as quantitative research. Analysis of the data used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hypothesis testing is done by multivariate analysis which is run through the SmartPLS program. Data analysis through Partial Least Square (PLS) was carried out in two stages, firstly assessing the Outer Model or Measurement Model.The Inner Model, also known as the StructuralModel, is evaluated in the second step. According to the findings,the experimental marketing variable has a direct and significant positive effect on brand trust, WOM has a direct and significant positive effect on brand trust, the experimental marketingvariable has a direct and significant positive effect on brand loyalty, and the e-WOM variable has a significantly positive effect. to have a direct and significant positive effect on the brand loyalty variable, and to have a direct and significant positive effect on the brand trust variable.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI)en_US
dc.subjectExperiential Marketing, Wordof Mouth, Brand Trust, Brand Loyaltyen_US
dc.titleTurnitin Report - Effect of Experiential Marketing and E-WOM on Brand Trust and Brand Loyaltyen_US

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