Now showing items 1-10 of 367
Analisis Komposisi Serbuk Arang Karamunting (Melastoma Malabathricum) Dengan Serbuk Arang Sirih Hutan (Piper Aduncum) Terhadap Kualitas Briket Arang
(Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani (Mudima), 2021-12)
Pertambahan penduduk yang semakin meningkat menimbulkan kekhawatiran akan terjadi kelangkaan bahan bakar akibat peningkatan kebutuhan bahan bakar di masa yang akan datang. Biomassa berpotensi menjadi sumber energi alternatif ...
Modeling Land Cover Change Using Markov Chain- Cellular Automata in Sorong, West Papua Province
(Atlantis Press, 2021)
Land cover change is a complex interaction of environmental and socioeconomic factors. The purpose of this article is
to determine changes in land cover using satellite imagery data, predict land cover in the next ten ...
Kajian Pertumbuhan Restorasi Mangrove Pada Kawasan Taman Nasional Kutai Kalimantan Timur
(Agrifor: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian dan Kehutanan, 2019-10-01)
This research was conducted in the East Kalimantan Kutai National Park (KNP) area. The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of growth of plants on mangrove restoration land in TNK, to find out the relationship ...
Productivity of three varieties of local upland rice on swidden agriculture field in Setulang village, North Kalimantan, Indonesia
(Universitas Negeri Solo, 2020-01-01)
Swidden agriculture field is a dry land used by traditional farmers to cultivate some varieties of local upland rice intercropped with vegetables, tubers, and fruits. This rotational cultivation system utilizes the land ...
Silvicultural, hydro-orological and economic aspects of a combination of vegetative (Falcataria moluccana-Vigna cylindrica) and terrace systems in soils of different slopes
(Society for Indonesian Biodiversity, 2019)
Analysis of Land Availability and Needs with Potential Agricultural Land-Development Within Santan Watershed and Marangkayu, East Kalimantan
(Atlantis Press, 2021)
The development of population at the Santan watershed area over the years tends to increase, increasing the food and
settlement needs. Therefore, there is a need to balance the needs and availability of land. The study ...
Analisis Tingkat Bahaya Erosi pada Kawasan Reklamasi Tambang Batu Bara PT Jembayan Muarabara Kalimantan Timur
(Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarman, 2017)
Menyibak Potensi Keragaman Kupu-kupu di Taman Nasional Kutai
(Buletin Triwulan pasakbumi, 2011)