Now showing items 1-10 of 26
Modeling Land Cover Change Using Markov Chain- Cellular Automata in Sorong, West Papua Province
(Atlantis Press, 2021)
Land cover change is a complex interaction of environmental and socioeconomic factors. The purpose of this article is
to determine changes in land cover using satellite imagery data, predict land cover in the next ten ...
Prospect and policy of palm oil mill effluents for future electricity in east kalimantan (utilization of pome as renewable energy)
(IOP Publishing, 2018-03-17)
East Kalimantan economy for four decades was mainly based on natural resources
extraction and dominated by primary sectorwith the six highest GDP in 2013. But, the
contribution of oil and gas were decreasing production ...
(Jurnal Agrifor, 2019)
Air adalah substansi yang paling melimpah di permukaan bumi dan merupakan
komponen utama bagi semua mahluk hidup serta merupakan kekuatan utama yang secara konstan
membentuk permukaan bumi, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk ...
SWOT Analysis in Determining the Management Strategy of Rendani River Catchment Area in Manokwari District
(Atlantis Press, 2021)
The establishment of a new status for the Wosi Rendani forest area, which was previously a protected forest, has
become an area for other uses, causing the area to become more open, as evidenced by changes in the land ...
Gap analysis of land availability and land needs to identify potential development of agricultural lands in Santan watersheds, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
(Biodiversitas, 2019)
caused by high population growth in various places increase the needs for lands. The aims of this research are to determine the
availability and needs of agricultural lands in Santan 1 and Santan 2 watersheds, ...
Forest Fire Control Model in Sungai Wain Protection Forest Ecosystem, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
(Atlantis Press, 2021)
Sungai Wain Protected Forest Area (SWPF) occupies approximately 11,245 hectares of land, yearly fire-year outbreak
inside and outside the area. One of the significant problems associated with this area is the optimal fire ...
Pengembangan Mangrove Park Sebagai Model Perlindungan Ekosistem Mangrove Di Taman Nasional Kutai Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Perubahan Tutupan Lahan
(Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ekosistem Hutan Dipterokarpa, 2019-12-11)
This research was conducted in the mangrove forest area of the Kutai National Park, which was named Bontang Mangrove Park, as a nature tourism area that aims to protect the mangrove ecosystem in the City of Bontang. The ...
Diversity of Molluscs (Gastropod And Bivalve) In Mangrove Ecosystem of Oransbari District, South Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia
(Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 2020)
In the Oransbari mangrove ecosystem, 13 species of molluscs were identified with 1256 individuals consisting of 9 species of
gastropod and 2 species of bivalve. Dominance index of the identified molluscswas 0.11, with ...
Tenurial Conflicts Within Protected Forest Management Unit (PFMU) of Tarakan, North Kalimantan
(Atlantis Press, 2021)
This research aims to discuss the forms, actors involved, causes, and alternative solutions in regards to tenurial
conflicts occurring within the protected forest management unit of Tarakan. We used a qualitative approach ...
Carbon stocks of Rhizhopora apiculata and Sonneratia alba of mangrove forest in Ngurah Rai Forest Park, Bali Province, Indonesia
(INNSPUB, 2020-03-30)
The establishment of Village Forest status gives local people assurance to manage the forest independently, but also limits its utilization. Communities are given freedom in the utilization of Non-Timber ...