Now showing items 11-20 of 69
Business and accounting standards that only support the capitalist interest: Critical thinking with institutional theory
(Journal of Public Value and Administrative Insight, 2022-12-31)
The interests of investors have become the attention and purpose of regulators of business regulation, especially accounting regulations. Through the development of IFRS-based accounting standards, accounting regulators ...
(European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies, 2020-06-14)
E-Government is the use of information and communication technology in government processes to improve efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and accountability in governance. The focus of the research presents the ...
How Contribute and the Growth of Regional Original Income? A Typology Empirical
he source of regional revenue is aimed at financing governance and development and to improve the welfare and prosperity of the community. The purpose of this study is to examine the contribution and the rate of growth of ...
Kajian Dampak Ekonomi Hutan Desa Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Kampung Merabu (Kabupaten Berau, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur)
(IQTISHODUNA, 2019-09-28)
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab masalah sebelumnya yaitu menganalisis sejauh mana pengaruh lama SK diterima, luas lahan, jumlah tenaga kerja, biaya transpor, biaya input, pola kemitraan, pengetahuan status ...
Employees are faced with whistleblowing reporting channel alternatives: Which one is more desirable?
(Revista Espacios, 2020-08-20)
Our study analyzes several factors which can potentially conduct the reporting of fraud (whistleblowing) inside of the organization toward responsible parties to look at the tendency of reporting channels, whether internal ...
Financial intelligence: Financial statement fraud in Indonesia
(Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 2020-12-10)
Indonesia is currently in an honesty crisis, especially in financial governance, bothin government and private institutions. Our study uses the concept of financial intelligence toidentify and collect information related ...
Investment Development Strategy Management in Mahakam Ulu Regency, Indonesia
(Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, 2019-11-30)
Investment activities pay attention to a very important role as a driver of regional economic growth. The focus of the research is about several models that are interconnected with strategies in attracting investor interest. ...
Connectivity Continuous Improvement Program and Employee Performance
(International Review of Management and Marketing, 2020-01-07)
In a turbulent business environment, company personnel are required to always make continuous improvements to the systems and processes used to generate value for customers and connect the performance of their employees. ...
Prevalence of the HDI: Alternative consideration of employment factors from 30 OECD countries
(Journal of Research in Emerging Markets, 2021-03-20)
The HDI has played an influential role in the debate on human development for many years. However, no index is perfect in the HDI. It can be argued that the current HDI does not totally reflect human development performance, ...
(Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona, 2021-07-25)
Tourism has adapted rapidly in various worlds, including Indonesia, and created significant harmonization for economic, social, and cultural uses. Since the change in the status of the village forest (HD) in 2014, it is ...