Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Attention of Economic Growth and Oil Prices: Evidence from Indonesia
(EconJournals, 2021-07-07)
Oil is a commodity that can cause turmoil for the global economy. This study attempts to examine the relationship between oil prices and economic growth together with the exchange rate and inflation rate in Indonesia. The ...
Supporting Logistics Management to Anticipate Covid-19 Using the “Retail Direct Order” Concept
(Telecommunications Association Inc., 2022-09-26)
The Covid-19 that has hit the world since the end of 2019 has had a considerable impact on the Indonesian economy, especially on business people. This paper considers how businesses in Indonesia could benefit from implementing ...
FMEA Approach of Lean Six Sigma Implementation: Estimating the Value of COPQ
(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020-03-05)
Lean and Six Sixma are a comprehensive concept in business systems. The strength of this concept is that it is able to provide tangible results for the company, so it requires implementation and measurable
evaluation ...
Financial Regulatory Intervention in Encouraging the Tourism Industry-Portrait of the Top 5 Popular Destinations in Indonesia
(International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2024-06-24)
Throughout the end of 2019 to 2021, COVID-19 had stolen the attention of many parties. Besides the eliminating crowds through a regional-national locking system, this incident also poses a threat to the world's population ...
Mapping of Creative Economy Commodities Sourced from Local Wisdom; Case in Mahakam Ulu
(Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, 2024-10-30)
Since being expanded from the West Kutai Regency area in 2013, Mahakam Ulu Regency is transitioning to economic
improvement, especially empowering the creative economy to support local wisdom. The irony is that this ...