Browsing Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Book's by Title
Now showing items 254-272 of 272
Struktur Aljabar 1
(2022-06-01) -
Student Learning Outcomes Based on Learning Styles through Online Learning during The Covid-19
(Novateur Publication, India, 2021-03-23)This study aims to determine student learning outcomes based on student learning styles through online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The population in this study was all class X MIA SMAN 16 ... -
Student Perceptions On Online Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic For Social Science Subjects At SMP Negeri 6 Samarinda
(FKIP Universitas Mulawarman, 2021-11-30)This research is motivated by the learning process that has changed from face-to-face learning in class to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to explore student attitudes that were ... -
Tenun Doyo, Warisan Budaya Dayak Benuaq di Kalimantan Timur
(2021-12-31) -
Tenun Doyo, warisan budaya Dayak Benuaq di Kalimantan Timur
(Universitas Mulawarman, 2021) -
Tenun Doyo, Warisan Budaya Dayak Benuaq di Kalimantan Timur
(Mulawarman Press, 2021-11-29) -
(Lakeisha, 2021-11-01) -
Teori asesmen dalam pembelajaran bahasa
(Global Aksara Pres, 2021-09-01) -
Teori Belajar Dan Pembelajaran
(Lakeisha, 2021-11) -
(Penerbit Lakeisha, 2021-11-01) -
Teori Ekonomi Mikro
(CV. Banyubening Cipta Sejahtera, 2021-09-30) -
(2022-03-23) -
WACANA PERCAKAPAN INSTRUKSIONAL Kajian Struktur, Strategi, dan Fungsi
(CV ISTANA AGENCY, 2021-02)Buku yang disunting oleh Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman dan Alfian Rokhmansyah -
Wacana Percakapan Instruksional: Kajian Struktur, Strategi, dan Fungsi
(CV Istana Agency Yogyakarta, 2021-02)wacana percakapan instruksional mempunyao peran penting dalam pembelajaran di kelas. -
Work Stress and its Effect on Teacher Work Effectivenessi in The Covid-19 Pandemic
(Novateur Publication, India, 2021-01-31)This study aims to determine 1) the level of workstress and work effectiveness of elementary school teachers. The country in Bengalon, East Kutai, and 2) the effect of job stress on the effectiveness of the ...