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dc.contributor.authorRahcmad Budi Suharto; Zainal Abidin; Sri Mintarti; Jati Kasuma; Ardi Paminto; Tetra Hidayati
dc.description.abstractEmpowering employees who work in the provincial educationoffice of East Kalimantan, is truly a great program. Their work is truly honorable. The teacher is an unmarked hero. The performance of its employees is an important part of the success of a business or organization. Explanatory re-search is used to analyses a conceptual framework with factors that deter-mine the performance of employees. Primary Data is collected using a sur-vey method with direct or indirect interviews with respondents. The re-sults of the study of this Model are satisfactory. The latent variables of the employee's performance are also endogenous variables, which can be ex-plained by the latent variables. Employee empowerment, employee effica-cies, people who fit in the organization, as well as the latent variable of employee satisfaction, which acts as an exogenous variable, amounting to 52.7% and other findings, is a variable of employee satisfaction is a varia-ble of mediation partial.en_US
dc.publisherAdvance Scientific Researchen_US
dc.titleTurnitin Report - The Significance of Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable To Performance Officers in The Department of Education and Culture of East Kalimantan Provinceen_US

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