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dc.contributor.authorPurwadi, Purwadi
dc.contributor.authorDarma, Dio Caisar
dc.contributor.authorIrma Aprianti, Dian
dc.contributor.authorHakim, Yundi Permadi
dc.description.abstractInvestment activities pay attention to a very important role as a driver of regional economic growth. The focus of the research is about several models that are interconnected with strategies in attracting investor interest. From the scope of realization of foreign investment is more dominant than domestic investment in Mahakam Ulu Regency, so there needs to be a strategic effort to develop investment related matters. The research approach is development based and descriptive, where researchers intend to describe existing phenomena by analyzing and presenting facts systematically to achieve the intent and purpose of conducting field studies. Existing data types used are quantitative and qualitative data during March-September 2019. Analysis of data with interactive models and processed using Strength analysis, Weakness, Opportunity, and Treath (SWOT). The results of the analysis of investment strategies in terms of strategic policies, emphasize the choice of policies to provide various investment facilities rather than providing incentives. In order to attract new investment, encourage increased investment through the provision of incentives, and ease of investment, in terms of strategic policy the priority of policy choices is to provide a variety of investment facilities rather than incentives.en_US
dc.publisherJournal of Poverty, Investment and Developmenten_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 51;p. 66-75
dc.subjectstrategy management; investment (foreign and domestic); developmenten_US
dc.titleInvestment Development Strategy Management in Mahakam Ulu Regency, Indonesiaen_US

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