Browsing J - Agriculture by Author "Emmawati, Aswita"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Bacterial Population and Chemical Characteristics of Fermented Mandai Cempedak with Starter Induction
Rahmadi, Anton; Sari, Kartika; Khairiyah, Nikmatul; Handayani, Frio; Satrio, Sitohang; Yuliani, Yuliani; Emmawati, Aswita (Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia, 2018-09-30)Traditionally fermented foods can be improved by introducing starter and hygienic production. The study observes the changes in population of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), pH, polyphenolic levels, and antioxidant activity of ... -
Karakteristik kerupuk ikan dengan substitusi tepung tulang ikan gabus (Channa striata) sebagai fortifikasi kalsium
Yuliani; Marwati; Wardana, Hendri; Emmawati, Aswita; Candra, Krishna Purnawan (Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 2018)Kerupuk ikan gabus telah dikenal luas namun biasanya terbuat dari bagian dagingnya saja. Limbah berupa tulang ikan belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal, oleh karena itu dijadikan sebagai bahan substitusi pada pembuatan produk ... -
Nutritional Value, Antioxidant Activity, Sensory Properties, and Glycemic Index of Cookies with the Addition of Cassava (Manihot utilissima) Leaf Flour
Saragih, Bernatal; Kristina, Feby; Pradita; Candra, Krishna Purnawan; Emmawati, Aswita (Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science, 2020)Cassava leaves contain albumin, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin B1, and fibers, thus having the potential to be used as an ingredient in production of cookies. The purpose of this research was to determine the optimum ... -
Observation of Bitterness Reducing Ability of Melastomataceae Leaf Extracts on Caffeine and Coffee Powder
Rahmadi, Anton; Istiqomah, Marinda; Emmawati, Aswita (Foundation for Environmental Protection and Research (FEPR), 2019-12-30)Abstract: Aim: The research aims to measure the reduction of bitterness of coffee by Melastomataceae leaf (DM) extracts measured by caffeine and polyphenol concentrations and changes in covalent bonds observed with ... -
Pengaruh berat bahan baku dalam proses penggorengan vakum terhadap mutu sensoris kripik nanas (Ananas comosus (L) Merr)
Sutriswanto; Candra, Krishna Purnawan; Murdianto, Wiwit; Emmawati, Aswita (Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Mulawarman, 2018)The crispness of chips product is depend on its water content, which is around 5%. The purpose of this research was to obtain appropriate vacuum frying method to produce crispy fruit chips. Single factor experiment (weight ... -
The shelf life of wet noodle added by gendarussa (Justicia gendarussa Burm. F.) leaves extract
Yuliani, Yuliani; Sari, Rinten Anjang; Emmawati, Aswita; Candra, Krishna Purnawan (Talenta Publisher, 2020-04)