Pengaruh Lokasi Dan Fasilitas Serta Tarif Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Menggunakan Jasa Penyewaan Lapangan Futsal
This study aims to: 1) analyze the influence of location on consumer decision in using futsal field rental service at FreeKick Futsal, 2) analyze the influence of facilities on consumer decision in using futsal field rental service at FreeKick Futsal, 3) analyze the influence of price on consumer decision in using futsal field rental service at FreeKick Futsal, 4) analyze the influence of location, facilities, and price simultaneously on consumer decision in using futsal field rental service at FreeKick Futsal.
The population of this study is FreeKick Futsal consumer while the samples are 40 resondents were taken by non probability sampling technique. The data was collected by Likert scale questionnaire. And the data was analyzed by dercriptive analysis, simple linear regresion analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, simple correlation analysis, multiple correlation analysis, t test, and F test.
The results of analysis showed that: 1) there is a significant influence of location on consumer decision in using futsal field rental service at FreeKick Futsal, 2) there is a significant influence of facilities on consumer decision in using futsal field rental service at FreeKick Futsal, 3) there is a significant influence of price on consumer decision in using futsal field rental service at FreeKick Futsal, 4) there is a significant influence of locaticn, facilities, and price simultaneously on consumer decision in using futsal field rental service at FreeKick Futsal.
The recommendation to increase selection and decision to use futsal field rental service at FreeKick Futsal is necessary for FreeKick Futsal managers to improve cleanliness, completeness, and function of the facilities and also design the price of futsal field rental service according to facilities.