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dc.contributor.authorRowidsa, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorFourqoniah, Finnah
dc.description.abstractThis research is that describes how much influence business capital, family environment, and social environment have on the success of MSME businesses in Bukuan Village, Samarinda City. The background of this thesis is based on the results of observations and initial interviews that the author conducted with several MSME actors in Bukuan Village, Samarinda City, where there are still problems related to access to capital and a lack of activities that support MSME businesses such as training, business mentoring, evaluation of business performance, etc. Author found indications of a lack of influence from the social and family environment on the progress of MSME businesses in Bukuan Village because business success can be achieved if there is assistance from both internal and external entrepreneurs. Research is a quantitative study using data collection methods such as observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of the research that the authors conducted on 70 respondents showed that there was a strong relationship between the family environment and the social environment on business success, with the social environment variable being the most dominant on business success, while the venture capital variable showed no effect. Based on the results of analysis, author draw several conclusions, including: it is necessary to have a business group that accommodates every MSME actor; it is necessary to have a cooperative established by the Bukuan village to become a medium of lending capital for entrepreneurs; and there is a need for training and assistance for every entrepreneur who still does not understand how to develop good and true effort.en_US
dc.subjectUMKM, Wirausaha, Lingkungan, Keberhasilan Usahaen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Modal Usaha dan Lingkungan Keluarga serta Lingkungan Sosial terhadap Keberhasilan Usaha Umkm Di Kelurahan Bukuan Kota Samarindaen_US

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