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dc.contributor.authorMustakim, Mustakim
dc.contributor.authorZaini, Muhammad
dc.description.abstractMustakim, "The Effect of Marketing Mix on Purchase Decisions at Dua Jago Stores in Samarinda". Supervised by Mr. Dr. M. Zaini, The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the factors of the 4P marketing mix consisting of; product, price, place and promotion on purchasing decisions at the Dua Jago store in Samarinda simultaneously and partially. And also to find out which variables are the most influential of the four marketing mix variables in this study on purchasing decisions. The population in this study are consumers who shop at the Dua Jago store. The sample in this study were 100 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used accidental sampling technique. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire. The data measuring instrument used is the Likert scale. The data analysis techniques used are validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, and multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained Y = 5.781 + 0.310X 1 + 0.508X 2 + 0.276X 3 + 0.220X 4. The value of the correlation coefficient (R) is 0.603 and the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.364 or 36.4% . The results of the F test (simultaneous) found a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05, indicating that the marketing mix variable has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. The results of the T test (partial) found a significant value of product variable (X1) 0.049, price (X2) 0.001, place (X3) 0.048 showed a significant effect on purchasing decisions while promotion (X4) 0.162 had no significant effect. Based on the research results show that the most influential variable is the price variable (X2) with the Standardized Coefficients Beta value of 0.329 . Based on the analysis and research results, it is suggested that Dua Jago stores do more promotions through conventional media and social media to attract consumer buying interest.en_US
dc.subjectProduct, Price, Place, Promotion and Purchase Decisionen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Toko Dua Jago di Samarindaen_US

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