Kombinasi Pakan Alami Cacing Tubifex sp dan Pakan Buatan Terhadap Kelangsungan Hidup Dan Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Gabus (Channa striata Bloch) Dalam Upaya Domestikasi Ikan Spesifik Lokal
The purpose of this research was to know survival rate, growth of length, weight and
specific growth rate, length-weight relationship, and condition factor of snakehead larvae
(Channa striata) that fed with the combination of natural feed Tubifex sp and artificial
feed. The result showed that feeding combination of natural feed with artificial feed was
not significanly different to survival rate, while significanly different to growth of length,
weight and specific growth rate. The highest survival rate was achieved by P2 (77,5%).
However, P1 was better in growth of lenght, weight, and specific growth rate with 3,03
cm, 2,27 g and 10,46% respectively