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dc.contributor.authorDayadi, Irvin
dc.description.abstractSengon wood is widely used but its durability is low (durability class IV–V) so that its service life is short. The cold soaking method is a simple and easy process. Termikon 15EC is a termicide that is easily available, relatively inexpensive and quite effective against destructive insects in sawn wood. The purpose of this study was to determine the retention value of Termikon 15EC and the mortality of dry wood termites (Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light) based on the duration of cold soaking in Sengon wood preservation. The concentration of Termikon 15EC used was 0.5% water-soluble, and the cold soaking treatments were A (6 hours), B (12 hours) and C (24 hours). The retention value was compared to the New Zealand standard (NZ S3640) and Australian Standard (AS1604), while termite mortality was assessed from the number and duration of termites dying per day. The highest retention test of Termikon 15EC was found in treatment C (0.451 kg/m3), followed by B (0.369 kg/m3), and the lowest was A (0.269 kg/m3), only fulfill Hazard Level 1 (H1) for the use of wood above ground and fully protected against the weather in NZ Standard S3640 and Standard AS1604. The drywood termite mortality test showed a mortality rate of 100% on the 3rd day of the three treatments (A, B and C), while on the control, the 100% mortality rate was obtained on the 14th day.en_US
dc.publisherJurusan Kimia Fakultas MIPA UNMULen_US
dc.subjectsengon, retention, mortality, cold soaking, termikon 15ECen_US
dc.titlePengawetan Kayu Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen) menggunakan Termikon 15EC Berdasarkan Perbedaan Lama Perendaman Dinginen_US

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