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dc.contributor.authorarifin, zainul
dc.contributor.authorbudiarso, edy
dc.contributor.authorwinata, bella
dc.descriptionPemanasan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui retensi dan penetrasi oli bekas dengan pelarut solar pada konsentrasi dan lama perendaman yang berbeda serta ketahanannya terhadap serangan rayap tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi dan Pengawetan Kayu, Fahutan Unmul Samarinda. Data hasil penelitian diolah dengan rancangan faktorial acak lengkap 3x3 dan replikasi 10. Parameter pengukuran meliputi nilai retensi, penetrasi serta kehilangan berat akibat serangan rayap tanah (Subteranean termites). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rataan kadar air kering udara pada kayu Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen) sebesar 11,85%, kerapatan kering udara 0,35 g/cm3 dan kerapatan kering tanur 0,32 g/cm3. Lama perendaman, konsentrasi oli bekas dan interaksinya berpengaruh sangat signifikan terhadap retensi. Semakin besar konsentrasi dan lama perendaman makin besar pula nilai retensi yang akan didapat. Lama perendaman berpengaruh sangat signifikan terhadap nilai penetrasi oli bekas, sedangkan konsentrasi oli bekas dan interaksinya menunjukkan pengaruh yang tidak signifikan. Semakin lama dilakukannya perendaman maka semakin tinggi pula nilai penetrasinya. Lama perendaman, konsentrasi oli bekas dan interaksinya tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kehilangan berat. Namun jika dibandingkan dengan contoh uji tanpa perlakuan pengawetan (kontrol), contoh uji yang diawetkan dengan oli bekas lebih tahan terhadap serangan rayap tanah.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to determine the retention and penetration of used oil with diesel solvents at various concentrations and soaking times, as well as its resistance to subterranean termites. The study was carried out at the Laboratory of Biology and Wood Preservation, Faculty of Forestry, University of Mulawarman in Samarinda City. In a completely randomized factorial design with 10 replications, all data was analyzed using a 3x3 experimental pattern. Retention, penetration, and weight loss tests due to subterranean termite assaults were all measured. The average air-dry moisture content of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen) wood was 11.85 percent, with an air-dry density of 0.35 g/cm3 and a kiln-dry density of 0.32 g/cm3. The time of immersion, the concentration of used oil, and their interactions all have an impact on retention; thus, the higher the concentration and the longer the immersion, the greater the retention value. The penetration value of used oil is greatly affected by immersion time, although the concentration of used oil and its interactions have no influence. The higher the penetration value, the longer the immersion. There was no substantial weight loss regardless of the period of immersion, the concentration of oil utilized, or their interactions. The samples preserved with used oil, however, were more resistant to subterranean termites than the test samples without preservative treatment (control).en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarmanen_US
dc.publisherFakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarmanen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 6;1
dc.subjectSengon wood, used oil, soaking methodsen_US

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