dc.description.abstract | Background:
Thischemistrycardmediaprovidesopportunitie sforstudentstolearnactivelyanddevelopcreativeabilitiesinunderstan
dingchemistryusinggames. The form of playing card games in chemistry learning is not muchdifferent from
playing card games encountered in everyday life. The maindifference lies in the cards and the rules of the
game as well as in the
writing and pictures in the form of questions.Its purpose is to trains tudents' skills and memory and increase students' interest in learning.The colloid systeminthe delivery of teacher material tends to use the lecture method. In this
learningmethod, the position and role of the teacher tend to be more dominant,
whiletheactivenessofstudentsistoolow.Therefore,weneedavarietyofteachersso that the activeness of the students
can be balanced and their creative abilities can also be realized inrealterms.Basedontheexistingproblems,in
this study,researchhasbeencarriedouton"TheDevelopmentofLearningMediaforDigital Chemistry Playing Cards
(Kami Kita) on colloidal system material". Thepurpose of this study was to determine the validity (feasibility)
of Kami
Materials and Methods: ThisstudyaimstodevelopavalidandpracticalKamiKita learning media. The development
model in this study refers to the 3Dresearch and development model, namely define, design, and develop.
Thesample of this study was 23 students of class XI science at SMA Negeri 2LinggangBigung. The data
collection techniques used was validationquestionnaires, teacher responsequestionnaires, andstudent
responsequestionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this research is thepercentage.
rs,97%ofmediavalidators,and 90% of learning practitioners with very valid categories. Practicality
wasmeasuredthroughaquestionnaireofteacherresponsesandstudentresponseswith a percentage of 95% and 90%
in the very practical category. Based on thevalidity and practicality of the Kami Kita learning media that
was made, theproduct was declared suitable for use in the learning process on
swithapercentageof95%and90%inthevery practical category. Based on the validity and practicality of the
Conclusion:The assessmentof thevalidity ofour Kita Kitalearning
cticalityofKamiKitalearningmediaisbased on the results of 2 (two) responses each with a criterion value,
namely95% of teacher responses and 90% of student responses so that Kami
Kitalearningmediaisoncolloidsystemmaterialwiththe"VeryPractical"criteria. | en_US |