Fluks CO2 pada tegakan nipah di Delta Mahakam Kalimantan Timur
One of the important aspect in climate change issue is how to develop quantitatively and predictably the atmospheric carbon dioxide sequestration by soil and vegetation. This particularly important in mangrove and shoreline area covered by water and thin forest layer. This research aimed to understand the carbon dioxide flux in nypa (mangrove palm) and soil layer of Mahakam Delta. Transect method of 125 m distance was applied in nypa vegetation in Saliki, Muara Payang and Sei Balok of Mahakam Delta. There were 24 plots in each of these three locations where trenched and untrenched points were applied to differentiate between autotrophic and heterotrophic environment. Plots were measured every month within 9 months period. Result indicated by average that highest heterotrophic level was in Sei Balok of 0.21 ppm compared to 0.15 as the lowest in Saliki. Meanwhile, the average autotrophic carbon dioxide flux was in Sei Balok of 0.21 ppm and the lowest was in Saliki of 0.19 ppm. Overall, however, the level of heterotrophic was found higher than that of autotrophic. This is therefore heterotrophic activities proved as higher in carbon dioxide flux due to biotic activities so that preventing deforestation and creation of fish ponds need to be minimalized or reduced coupled with rehabilitation in Mahakam Delta.
- A - Forestry [368]