Communication Strategy to Develop Local E-Marketplace in Samarinda City
COVID-19 has impacted micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) business in Indonesia. One of
the efforts of MSMEs to survive is by migrating to the digital market. The city government of Samarinda
grabs the opportunity by releasing a mobile application called Behambinan. This study examines the
Behambinan communication strategy to empower MSMEs, considering the apps as an innovation for
the digital market in Samarinda. The Diffusion of Innovation Theory helps to parse the communication
strategies of this innovation. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive by conducting indepth interviews with the Communication and Information Office of Samarinda City and its
stakeholders as key actors of the diffusion process. The Behambinan application is currently at the
dissemination stage to act effectively as the local digital forum for buying and selling. This study found
some challenges during the diffusion process. First, MSME players (adopters) have difficulty
understanding the application due to the lack of digital literacy and technical issues such as not having
a smartphone and high expense for internet quotas to run the application. Second, the misalignment of
interpersonal communication between key actors. Third, weaknesses in promotional strategies. This
study found that interpersonal communication through localite channels has a significant role in the
diffusion process. An integrated communication strategy among key actors and well-planned execution
of localite and cosmopolite channels is essential to engage MSMEs and the public.