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dc.contributor.authorNikhlani, Andi
dc.description.abstractGrowth of the Sangkuriang catfish can be affected by nutrient content of feed. Earthworm one of the alternative natural feed can be given to the Sangkuriang catfish. Earthworms contain a very high protein of 76% and contain linoleat fatty acids, linoleat, EPA, DHA, arakhidonat, palmitat, strearat, miristat and oleat. This research were to determine the percentage of earthworms toward growth, survival rate and the optimal percentage of giving on the daily growth rate, food efficiency and food conversion. Design of this research was used Completely Randomized Design with four treatments of feed, namely P1 (100% pellets), P2 (50% pellets + 50% earthworms), P3 (25% pellets + 75% earthworms) and P4 (100% earthworms). All treatments with three replications. The homogeneity of the data was tested using the Barlett test and analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s Multiples range test (DMRT). The result of this research showed that treatment of P4 produced the highest growth of weight and length were 23,4 gram and 5,40 cm, P2 with weight and length were 19,8 gram and 5,17 cm, P3 weight and length were 19,4 gram and 5,13 cm and the lowest with weight 14,1 gram and length 5,10 was P1. The highest survival rate were produced by treatment P1 and P4 with 100% survival rates. The percentage 100% of earthworms could be to increasing the daily growth rate, food conversion and food efficiency better than the others treatment. The conclusion of this research was that the percentage 100% of earthworms is the best feed for sangkuriang cat fishen_US
dc.publisherJurnal Aquawarmanen_US
dc.titlePemanfaatan Cacing Tanah (Lumbricus rubellus) Sebagai Pakan Alami untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Kelangsungan Hidup Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus)en_US

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