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dc.contributor.authorNikhlani, Andi
dc.description.abstractCatfish This study aims to determine the effect of substitution of rebon shrimp flour with golden snail flour in catfish feed ration. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications, the difference in treatment was the difference in the percentages of rebon shrimp flour and golden snail flour. The research ration consisted of rebon shrimp flour, golden snail flour, 18% tofu dregs flour, 10% bran flour, 5% tapioca flour, 5% corn flour, 1% vitamins and 1% minerals. The treatments were P1 (30% rebon shrimp flour + 30% golden snail flour), P2 (0% rebong shrimp flour + 60% gold snail flour), P3 (60% rebong shrimp flour + golden snail flour 0%) and P4 (factory feed ).The results of this study showed that the substitution of rebon shrimp flour with golden snail flour in catfish feed rations gave weight growth, daily growth rate and feed conversion for catfish although not significantly different, but had a very significant effect on the length growth of catfish and the use of 30% snail flour. goldfish and 30% rebon shrimp flour in the feed formulation gave the best growth for catfishen_US
dc.publisherFPIK UNMULen_US
dc.titleSubstitusi Tepung Udang Rebon (Acetes indicus) Dengan Tepung Keong Mas (Pomacea canaliculata) Dalam Ransum Pakan Ikan Patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus)en_US

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