Social Media Marketing on Instagram Shopee Indonesia and its Effect on Customer Engagement and Brand Image
The high use of social media in Indonesia today is the reason why social media is widely used as a promotional
strategy or what has recently been called Social Media Marketing. One company that uses Social Media
Marketing is Shopee Indonesia. With content uploaded through Shopee Indonesia's Instagram, Shopee
Indonesia's Social Media Marketing is effective. This can be seen through the high level of engagement on
Instagram Shopee Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Social Media Marketing
on Customer Engagement and Band Image on Shopee Indonesia's Instagram account. The method applied in the
research is quantitative. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling. The sampling method used
is purposive sampling. Based on the results of the Slovin formula, the researchers distributed questionnaires to
100 Instagram followers of Shopee Indonesia. The analytical technique used is multiple regression analysis
followed by path analysis with the help of SPSS 25 software. The results show that Social Media Marketing has
a positive and significant effect on Customer Engagement. Social Media Marketing has no significant positive
effect on Brand Image. Customer Engagement is found to be a mediator between Social Media Marketing and
Brand Image which results have a positive and significant effect. The results also explain that Customer
Engagement has a positive and significant effect on Brand Image. Then Brand Image also has a positive and
significant effect on Customer Engagement