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dc.contributor.authorMa'ruf, Mohamad
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the research were to compare the growth rates of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on convensional system and aquaponic system and analyze carryng capacity of the both system based on and oxygen availability. The research was carried out for 25 days using two unit treatments tanks for conventional systems and aquaponic system on a commercial scale. This experiment used action research (ex-post-facto) methods. The different response of two experiments were analysed using t-test with a 95% confidential level. The results showed that, nile tilapia growth rates in conventional systems have an average weight 2.49 g/fish with a feeding rate of 1.8% and total feed consumption 1173.2 g. While aquaponic system have an average weight nile tilapia of 40 g/fish with a feeding rate 4,71 % and total feed consumption 1714 g. The altitude of research location reaches 13 m (42,65 feet) above mean sea level (AMSL), at 8.1 mg/l saturated oxygen, and average of oxygen consumption at conventional system was 4,5 mg O2/l, with measured dissolved oxygen 3,6 mg/l, and average water temperature 26,5 oC (79,7 oF). Meanwhile, aquaponic system had 4,2 mg O2/l of oxygen consumption with measured dissolved oxygen 3,9 mg/l, and average water temperature 26,4 oC (79,7 oF). Therefore, optimal density of nile tilapia can be reared 8.3 kg/m3 or 30 fish/m3 for the conventional system while aquaponic system had optimal density can be reached 19,5 kg/m3 or 70 fish/m3en_US
dc.publisherJurnal Aquawarmanen_US
dc.subjectTilapia, Density, Aquaponic, System, oxygen consumptionen_US
dc.titleDaya Dukung Sistem Akuaponik Untuk Pembesaran Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Skala Komersialen_US

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