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dc.contributor.authorMohammad Taufik, Al Fauzi Rahmat, Bambang Irawan, Paisal Akbar
dc.identifier.citationAcey, C. (2016). Managing wickedness in the Niger Delta: Can a new approach to multi-stakeholder governance increase voice and sustainability?Landscape and Urban Planning,154, 102–114. plan.2016.03.014en_US
dc.identifier.issn2406-9515 (p) / 2528-441X (e)
dc.description.abstractMulti-stakeholders governance (MSG) is a new governance design that involves many experts from multiple stakeholders to participate in dialogue, decision-finding (and possibly decision-making), and solutions to a common problem that occurs. This article aims to analyze and identify topics on multistakeholder governance with a focus on social science disciplines. In particular, this article takes qualitative research with a literature study approach, some data findings were analyzed using NVIVO 12 plus software.Therefore, the study results that various approaches, strategies, and scope have been used by past studies in classifying their finding. Furthermore, there are eleven main topics in MSG in social science disciplines; some of the propositions on these topics are summarized. The first cluster is actors, process, and organization; the second cluster is political, development, and policy; the third cluster are interests, management, and system; and fourth cluster are resources and networks. In sum, some of the clusters are generating illustrate certain propositions on these topics. Thus, this study provides significant findings as a mapping of novelty in future MSG studies.en_US
dc.publisherJURNAL NATAPRAJA : Kajian Ilmu Administrasi Negaraen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.9 No.1, 2021 (15-30);
dc.subjectMulti-Stakeholders Governance, Social Science Discipline, Literature Reviewen_US
dc.titleMulti-Stakeholders Governance in Social Science Disipline: A Systematic Literature Reviewen_US
dc.title.alternativeTata Kelola Pemangku Kepentingan Pemerintah Dalam Disiplin Ilmu Sosial : Tinjauan tentang Kajian Pustakaen_US

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