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dc.contributor.authorSanjaya, Arwin
dc.identifier.citationAgmasari, S. (2018). Industrii Kuliner Penopangg tTertinggi pPerekonomiann Kreatiff dii tertinggi-perekonomian-kreatif-di-indonesiaa Alma, B. (2007)). mManajemen pPemasaran dann Pemasarann Jasa. ALFABETA. Andriani, D. (2013). Kulinerr Indonesia, pPotensi Masakann nNusantara di Pasar Dunia. eEntrepreneurr potensi-masakan-nusantara-di-pasar-duniaa Anis, Josef, B., Christiananta, B., & Ellitan, L. (2018). tThe eEffect po f Entrepreneurshipp Orientationn, iInformation tTechnologyy, Strategics pPlanning too Competitivee Advantagess with Businessa Performanceee as Interveninggg Variabless: Empirical Studyy Food pProcessing Smesss in nNorth Sulawesi. International Journal of Advanced rResearchh (IJAR), 6(1), 236–242.
dc.descriptionBased on the results of SPSS data processing proves that product quality (X1), service quality (X2) and customer satisfaction (Z) both have a substantial impact on customer loyalty (Y) the value of Sig. 0.000 ≤ 0.05 Fhitung 15.015 ≥ 3.09 then H0 is rejected, referring to the linear relationship between X1, X2, and Z and Y, or can be explained as a simultaneous impact of the correlation result 0.565 from the correlation interval results stating the level of the relationship is moderate and for the coefficient of determination of 31.9% and the influence of variables outside that are not examined by 68.1%en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aimss to determine the effecstr of product quality and service qualityy on customer loyalty through customer ssatisfaction. The type of research used is descriptive research with a quantitativee approach. The sample is 100 respondents who are customers of My Caramel 1994 Pramuka Samarinda byy using a nnon-probabilityy sample with purposive sampling techniquese and accidental sampling. Analysis of the data used is pathh analysis. The rresults showed tthat the variable product quality and servicee quality partially had a significant influence on customer ssatisfaction, the variable customer satisfaction partially had a significant eeffect on customer lloyalty, product quality and service quality variables partially did not have a significant effect onn customer loyalty, product quality andd service quality variables simultaneously have a significant eeffect on customer satisfactionn, product quality, service quality, andd customer satisfaction variables simultaneously have a significant eeffect on customerr loyalty. Thus My Caramel 1994 Pramuka Samarinda continues to strive to improve product quality and service quality. This will influence customers to be loyal through customer satisfaction.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Negeri Makassaren_US
dc.subjectConsumer Satisfaction, Costumer Loyalty, Service Quality, Product Qualityen_US
dc.titleThe Influence of Product Quality and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty through Consumer Satisfaction (Study on My Caramel 1994 Jl. Pramuka Samarinda)en_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Influence of Product Quality and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty through Consumer Satisfaction (Study on My Caramel 1994 Jl. Pramuka Samarinda)en_US

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