Now showing items 41-60 of 93

    • Turnitin "Temperature and humidity control system for broiler chicken coops" 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Widada, Dharma; Widiastuti, Masayu; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Budianto, Eko Wiji Setio (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), 2021-06-01)
      Stress in chickens due to rising cage temperatures is a problem that is often faced by breeders, especially broiler breeders. Research with the title "temperature and humidity control system for broiler chicken coops", ...
    • Mobile Learning: Utilization of Media to Increase Student Learning Outcomes 

      Budiman, Edy; Nur Alam, Sitti; Akbar, Mohammad Aldrin (IEEE, 2019-07-04)
      The low learning outcomes of students from year to year in the department of informatics in the course of data structure affect the learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to know the ...

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Hidayanto, Achmad Nizar; Azainil, Azainil (Pustekkom Kemendikbud RI, 2018-12-03)
      ABSTRACT: Level of smartphone usage can be used as an indicator of technological progress of a region. This study aims to explore the background of the selection of smartphones and applications used, as well as the level ...
    • E-Learning User Interface Acceptance Based On Analysis Of User's Style, Usability And User Benefits 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Atan, Rodziah; Selamat, Mohd. Hasan; Che Pa, Noraini; Abdullah, Rusli (Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia, 2013-11-28)
      E-learning does not function properly if the system is not in accordance with user needs. This study aims to establish an evaluation model for e-learning user interface according to user acceptance. The model is designed ...
    • Teacher and Student Readiness Using E-learning and M-learning 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Azainil, Azainil; Hidayanto, Achmad Nizar; Khairina, Dyna Marisa; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), 2020-06)
      This research is about the readiness of teachers and students to develop E-learning and M-learning for the learning process. Before developing and implementing an E-learning and M-learning system, it is important to ...
    • Automatic Glaucoma Detection Method Applying a Statistical Approach to Fundus Images 

      Septiarini, Anindita; Khairina, Dyna Marisa; Kridalaksana, Awang Harsa; Hamdani, Hamdani (Korean Society of Medical Informatics, 2018-01)
      Objectives: Glaucoma is an incurable eye disease and the second leading cause of blindness in the world. Until 2020, the number of patients of this disease is estimated to increase. This paper proposes a glaucoma detection ...

      Budianto, Eko Wiji Setio; Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Kridalaksana, Awang Harsa (Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, 2017-09)
      Stress pada ternak akibat meningkatnya suhu ruangan kandang merupakan masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh para peternak khususnya ayam pedaging atau yang biasa disebut Ras Boiler. Penelitian dengan judul “Prototipe Sistem ...
    • Sistem Informasi Akreditasi Program Studi di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Universitas Mulawarman 

      Widakdo, Putut Pamilih; Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Maharani, Septy; Junirianto, Eko (QUERY: Jurnal Sistem Informasi, 2019-04)
      Abstract The study program is organized based on the curriculum so that students capable the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior accordingly. Accreditation is a comprehensive process of evaluation and assessment of ...

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani (Jurnal Informatika Mulawarman, 2012-09)
      Software development processes have less variability than the projects or products upon which they are applied, a feature that has provided the source for considerable debate on how to capture and describe software ...
    • Evaluation of student academic performance using e-learning with the association rules method and the importance of performance analysis 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Kurniawan, Adi; Arifin, Zainal; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Azainil, Azainil; Alex, Rasni; Hidayanto, Achmad Nizar (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, 2020-04-01)
      Abstract. In managing the student study process, there is a pattern that occurs repeatedly every year. The recurring data will produce information in the form of student profiles, entry paths, student academic results, ...
    • Decision support system for determining chili land using weighted product method 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Ramadhani, Bayu; Arifin, Zainal; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Azainil, Azainil (Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2020-06-01)
      Chili is one of the most consumed food commodities in Indonesia. Thus, chili is very influential to the economic, also inflation and deflation of an area. In order for the needs of chili to be fulfilled and to be able ...
    • Teacher and student readiness using E-learning and M-learning 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Azainil, Azainil; Hidayanto, Achmad Nizar; Khairina, Dyna Marissa; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib (Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2020-06-01)
      This research is about the readiness of teachers and students to develop E-learning and M-learning for the learning process. Before developing and implementing an E-learning and M-learning system, it is important to ...
    • Forecasting the number of airplane passengers uses the double and the triple exponential smoothing method 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Syahrani, Rigan; Astuti, Indah Fitri; Azainil, Azainil (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, 2020-04)
      Abstract. Forecasting is needed to increase capacity and infrastructure, and also to improve the quality and quantity of the airport, especially at Aji PangeranTumenggung Pranoto Samarinda's airport. The forecasting ...
    • Forecasting the Hotel Room Reservation Rate in East Kalimantan Using Double Exponential Smoothing 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Wardani, Nurhidayat; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Azainil, Azainil; Kridalaksana, A. Harsa (IEEE, 2019-10)
      Abstract: Forecasting the room reservation rate is an important thing for the Central Statistics Agency of East Kalimantan Province because it can affect the income of the hotel and the existing regional economic indicators. ...
    • Big data: issues, trends, problems, controversies in ASEAN perspective 

      Haviluddin, Haviluddin; Alfred, Rayner (Association for Scientific Computing, Electronics, and Engineering (ASCEE), 2019-12-28)
      Big Data has a characteristics is size, new opportunities and have the potential to transform corporations and government and its interactions with the public. This paper attempts to offer a broader definition of Big Data ...
    • A Labyrinth Game for Blind Children Using Problem Solving Learning Model 

      Riza, Lala Septem; Sawiji, Tyas; Nurjanah, Nurjanah; Haviluddin, Haviluddin; Budiman, Edy; Rosales-Pérez, Alejandro (Kassel University Press GmbH, 2020-02-02)
      This research aims to design the concept of learning media for the blind student and apply it to a labyrinth game using the problem-solving learning model. To design this media, 21 blind child characteristics, learning ...
    • An Inflation Rate Prediction Based on Backpropagation Neural Network Algorithm 

      Purnawansyah, Purnawansyah; Haviluddin, Haviluddin; Setyadi, Hario Jati; Wong, Kelvin; Alfred, Rayner (STMIK Dharma Wacana, 2019-12-28)
      This article aims to predict the inflation rate in Samarinda, East Kalimantan by implementing an intelligent algorithm, Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN). The inflation rate data was obtained from the Provincial ...
    • Time Complexity Of A Priori And Evolutionary Algorithm For Numerical Association Rule Mining Optimization 

      Tahyudin, Imam; Haviluddin, Haviluddin; Nambo, Hidetaka (IJST, 2019-11-08)
      Some of the solutions for solving numerical Association rule mining problem are by discretization and optimization methods. The popular algorithms of optimization are A priori algorithms, Genetic algorithms (GA) and Particle ...
    • Modified Key Using Multi-Cycle Key In Vigenere Cipher 

      Rizal, Ansar; Budi Utomo, Didi Susilo; Rihartanto, Rihartanto; Hiswati, Marselina Endah; Haviluddin, Haviluddin (Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, 2019-09-03)
      Encryption-Decryption is one form of securing text data, images and sound in order to minimize data stealing, attack, etc. The purpose of this study is to modified encryption-decryption keys of Vigenere cipher.Based on ...
    • An Openness Of Government Website Content Using Text Analysis Method 

      Firdaus, Muhammad Bambang; Budiman, Edy; Haviluddin, Haviluddin; Wati, Masna; Setyadi, Hario Jati; Pakpahan, Herman Santoso (Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, 2019-05-29)
      Website as the most common media in use for the implementation of Public Information Openness. Content presented on the website has a major impact on public perception on government performance. In the text analysis of ...