Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Berkhasiat Obat yang Dimanfaatkan Masyarakat Suku Dayak Lundayeh
Medicinal plants are potential natural resources that have high economic prospects in the future. Drugs on the world market are mostly from natural resources and almost half of them are from tropical plants. Massive land clearing, mining, forest fires can lead to the loss of medicinal plant species. The purpose of this research was to inventory the species of medicinal plants that have been utilized by the Dayak Lundayeh people, to know the parts of plants that are used for medicine and to know the existence of medicinal plants in some areas of land. The results of the study found 90 species of medicinal plants where 83.33% are used by the Dayak Lundayeh as traditional medicine and 16.67% have not been used. Part of the plants used are Leaves (34.4%), Roots (17.8%), All parts of plants (10%), Fruit (10%), Bark (8.9%), Root (6.7 %), Stem (6.7%), Sap (3.3%), Flowers (1.1%) and Seed (1.1%). Habitat of medicinal plants utilized by Lundayeh Dayak tribe consists of Yard (41.1%), Secondary Forest (27.8%), Field (18.9%) and Kerangas Forest (12.2%).
- A - Forestry [368]