A - Computer Sciences and Information Technology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 155
Comparison of waspas and vikor methods to determine non-cash food assistance recipients
(the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU), 2023-11-01)Non-Cash Food Assistance or can be abbreviated as BPNT is a government program of the Republic of Indonesia by distributing non-cash food assistance to beneficiary families. The process of distributing BPNT still needs to ... -
An Augmented Reality on the Introduction of Escherichia Coli Bacteria that Cause Diarrhea Using the Marker Based Tracker Method
(Springer, Singapore, 2022-03-26)Indonesian current educational curriculum demands learning media for the high school degree. The use of learning tools that utilize technology nowadays is more emphasized to get better learning comprehension. Augmented ... -
Detection Of Road Damage Using Faster Regional-Convolutional Neural Network Method
(IEEE, 2022-11-01) -
Borneo Smart Forest Information System for Management of Dipterocarp Plants in Kalimantan Rainforest
(IEEE, 2022-10-22)Kalimantan's tropical rainforest is home to indigenous plants of the Dipterocarpaceae family (tribe), which is renowned for having the most endemic species. Dipterocarp is a family of pantropical plants, many of which are ... -
A Study On Text Feature Selection Using Ant Colony and Grey Wolf Optimization
(IEEE, 2022-12-08)Text classification (TC) is widely used for organizing digital documents. The issues in TC are numerous characteristics and high-element dimensions. Many pattern classification issues require feature selection (FS), which ... -
Fuzzy Tsukamoto untuk Memprediksi Estimasi Persediaan Darah
(Informatika Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, 2022-12-25)Unit Transfusi Darah (UTD) Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) selama ini kesulitan menyediakan jumlah kantong darah yang sesuai dengan permintaan rumah sakit karena jumlah permintaan darah lebih tinggi daripada ketersediaan ... -
Selecting goldfish broods use the weighted product and simple additive weighting methods
(IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Vol. 11, No. 4, Dec. 2022, pp. 1405~1413, 2022-12-20)Majalaya carp is a freshwater fish that has important economic value and is widespread in Indonesia. Goldfish is the most cultivated fish because it has many advantages both physiologically and genetically. Several factors ... -
Detection of oil palm leaf disease based on color histogram and supervised classifier
(Elsevier, 2021-11-01)