Now showing items 1-10 of 32
Toxicity, antioxidant ability and inhibition of oral pathogens by monoterpene-rich essential oil of Litsea angulata Blume
(Elsevier, 2020-03-31)
The genus Litsea comprises about 136 species worldwide and some species have been
used in traditional medicine and as essential oil sources. Litsea angulata Blume is distributed
throughout Indonesia, Malaysia and New ...
(Fakultas Kehutanan Tanjungpura, 2021)
Medicinal plants are trees or other woody plants. Is one of the potential biological natural resources, namely plants with many benefits and believed by the community to contain substances that are beneficial to the human ...
Keragaman jenis liana pada tutupan kanopi berbeda di hutan lindung Wehea, Kalimantan Timur
(Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ekosistem Hutan Dipterokarpa, 2020)
Liana is a vine or climbs on other plants in order to obtain sunlight as a source of energy for its growth. Liana
is also one of the species typical of tropical rainforest ecosystems, and its presence enhances the diversity ...
Inventory of herbs plants at three different locations in forest education of Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
(the Future Science Foundation, 2021-04-14)
Many plants have the potential to be medicinal from the herbaceous group. Herbaceous plants have short, small steam and have a wet trunk because they contain many water and non-woody. This research ...
Study of Bird Population Occupation (Ardeidae Family) At Pertamina Hulu Mahakam Platform Area, Mahakam Delta
(Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur., 2020-12-30)
One of the problems related to mangrove forest degradation is the uncontrolled increase in the Ardeidae family bird population in the coastal area of the Mahakam Delta within the Pertamina Hulu Mahakam ...
Identification of Bird species in Wetlands around Siran Lake, Muara Kaman, Central Mahakam, East Kalimantan
(Pattimura University, 2021-08-11)
The avifauna of tropical peat swamp forests in East Kalimantan has
not been well documented because of the smallest peat area
compared to central Kalimantan. The surveys were conducted using
various methods in the Muara ...
Species diversity and estimation of carbon stock in abandoned shrimp pond of mangrove ecosystem in East Kalimantan
(Institute of Physics, 2021-07-01)
The mangrove forest ecosystem plays an absorbent and carbon sink to reduce CO2
levels in the atmosphere, including in degraded mangrove areas. This research was conducted
precisely on abandoned shrimp ponds in mangrove ...
Diversity of Fern Species (Pteridophyta) in the Karst Sangkulirang – Mangkalihat
(Atlantis Press, 2021-04-10)
This study aims to determine the diversity of fern vegetation in the Sangkulirang- Mangkalihat karst area of Berau and
East Kutai Regency. The research was carried out for two months in six locations. The plotting method ...
Identifikasi Kearifan Lokal dalam Pemanfaatan Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Untuk Ketahanan Pangan Dan Obat-Obatan
(the Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Pattimura University, 2020)
This research aims to inventory local wisdom in the management and utilization of plants as food and
medicine by local communities. The method conducted in this study is the purposive sampling method
that aims to inventory ...
Toxicity, antioxidant ability and inhibition of oral pathogens by monoterpene-rich essential oil of Litsea angulata Blume
(Elsevier, 2020-03-31)
The genus Litsea comprises about 136 species worldwide and some species have been used in traditional medicine and as essential oil sources. Litsea angulata Blume is distributed throughout Indonesia, Malaysia and New Guinea. ...