Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Comparison of waspas and vikor methods to determine non-cash food assistance recipients 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Fahrozi, Muhammad Luthfi; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Azainil, Azainil (the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU), 2023-11-01)
      Non-Cash Food Assistance or can be abbreviated as BPNT is a government program of the Republic of Indonesia by distributing non-cash food assistance to beneficiary families. The process of distributing BPNT still needs to ...
    • The Development of Borneo Wildlife Game Platform 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Respatti, Erdinal; Putra, Gubta Mahendra; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Yunianta, Arda; Alyamani, Hasan Jamal; Rahman, Tamrin; Balfas, Muhammad Dahlan (The Science and Information (SAI) Organization Limited, 2021-10-28)
      Games are a unique, interesting, and fun entertainment medium. Games can contain education, introduction to certain flora and fauna, work and daily life, intelligence and dexterity. The game built in this study aims to ...
    • Factors Affecting The Failure And Success Of Online Learning In Samarinda 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Azainil, Azainil; Khairina, Dyna Marisa; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib (Educational Administration Program, School of Post Graduate, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2021-06-01)
      Abstract. This study aims to determine the implementation of online learning at schools and colleges in Samarinda, as well as what factors become obstacles and influence the success of online learning. With the COVID-19 ...
    • Rubber Plant Disease Diagnostic System Using Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Ramadhani, M Syahrir; Azainil, Azainil; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib (Procedia Computer Science, 2020-01-02)
      Abstract Data from the Plantation Office of East Kalimantan Province, the area of rubber plantations has decreased every year. One of the factors that make productivity of rubber plants low is the presence of pests and ...
    • Selecting goldfish broods use the weighted product and simple additive weighting methods 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib (IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Vol. 11, No. 4, Dec. 2022, pp. 1405~1413, 2022-12-20)
      Majalaya carp is a freshwater fish that has important economic value and is widespread in Indonesia. Goldfish is the most cultivated fish because it has many advantages both physiologically and genetically. Several factors ...
    • Simple Additive Weighting to Diagnose Rabbit Disease 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Khairina, Dyna Marisa; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Hatta, Heliza Rahmania; Azainil, Azainil (EDP Sciences, E3S Web of Conferences, 2018-09)
      Abstract. Rabbit is one of the many pets maintained by the general public in Indonesia. Like other pet, rabbits are also susceptible to various diseases. Society in general does not understand correctly the type of rabbit ...
    • Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Tanaman Hias Terbaik Untuk di Dalam Ruangan Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) 

      Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Ramadiani, Ramadiani (Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda, 2022-06-20)
    • Temperature and humidity control system for broiler chicken coops 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Widada, Dharma; Widiastuti, Masayu; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Budianto, Eko Wiji Setio (Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021-06-01)
      Stress in chickens due to rising cage temperatures is a problem that is often faced by breeders, especially broiler breeders. Research with the title "temperature and humidity control system for broiler chicken coops", has ...
    • Turnitin Rubber Plant Disease Diagnostic System Using Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Ramadhani, M Syahrir; Azainil, Azainil; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib (Procedia Computer Science, 2020-01-02)
      Abstract Data from the Plantation Office of East Kalimantan Province, the area of ​​rubber plantations has decreased every year. One of the factors that make productivity of rubber plants low is the presence of pests and ...
    • Turnitin Simple Additive Weighting to Diagnose Rabbit Disease 

      Ramadiani, Ramadiani; Jundillah, Muhammad Labib; Khairina, Dyna Marisa; Azainil, Azainil; Hatta, Heliza Rahmania (EDP Sciences, E3S Web of Conferences, 2017-10-01)
      Abstract. Rabbit is one of the many pets maintained by the general public in Indonesia. Like other pet, rabbits are also susceptible to various diseases. Society in general does not understand correctly the type of rabbit ...