Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Applications to determine the shortest tower BTS distance using Dijkstra algorithm
(AIP Publishing, 2016-10-19)
Telecommunications Tower or so-called BTS (Base Transceiver System) Toweris one of the main components in the network infrastructure that has experienced an increase in the number of construction.Telecommunications tower ...
Decision Support System For New Employee Recruitment Using Weighted Product Method
(IEEE / Universitas Diponegoro, 2017)
Companies need new employees that are expected to meet the assessment of each criteria. The criteria set by the company is expected to become a quality standard for the employee's own personal progress. One of the problems ...
Comparison of Two Methods Between TOPSIS and MAUT In Determining BIDIKMISI Scholarship
(IEEE, 2018-10-17)
Bidikmisi is one of the scholarships provided to students in universities, including Mulawarman University. To get the scholarship, students must meet the requirements and standards set by the government. The problem is ...
Image-based processing for ripeness classification of oil palm fruit
(IEEE, 2019)
Palm fruit is the result of agriculture products that processed into vegetable oil. Nowadays, there are many daily necessities are produced from palm fruit which cause demand for palm oil will increase sharply in the future. ...
Decision Support System For New Employee Recruitment Using Weighted Product Method
(IEEE, 2016-10-19)
Companies need new employees that are expected to meet the assessment of each criteria. The criteria set by the company is expected to become a quality standard for the employee's own personal progress. One of the problems ...
Decision Making of Banana Varieties Based on Land in Samarinda Using ELECTRE Method
(Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), volume 144 - Atlantis Press, 2017-11-30)
Indonesia is an agrarian country, a country with fertile soil and rich in nutrients so that a lot of land that can be used as agricultural land for a variety of plants one of which is a banana plant. Banana is a plant that ...
(IEEE, 2016-10-19)
Indonesia is a rich country that has plenty of tourism sites which becomes the main attraction for traveller. The recreational trip can be done alone or in groups with or without using a traveling agencies. For people who ...
Certain Factor Analysis for Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diagnosis
(IEEE, 2017-09-19)
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is easily transmitted through the air. Tuberculosis mostly attacks the lungs, but this disease can also attack other organs called extrapulmonary. The Extra pulmonary tuberculosis ...
Assessment of Teacher Performance Using Technique For Other Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
(IEEE, 2018-10-17)
Teacher performance assessment is intended to create a professional teacher. Every teacher is a professional in his or her field and in recognition of their work performance, teacher performance assessment should be done ...
Lahan tanaman kelapa sawit yang baik membutuhkan tanah subur yang dipengaruhi beberapa kriteria yakni curah hujan, topografi, lereng, tekstur, dan kedalaman air. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat membantu ...