Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Comparison of Two Methods Between TOPSIS and MAUT In Determining BIDIKMISI Scholarship
(IEEE, 2018-10-17)
Bidikmisi is one of the scholarships provided to students in universities, including Mulawarman University. To get the scholarship, students must meet the requirements and standards set by the government. The problem is ...
Certain Factor Analysis for Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diagnosis
(IEEE, 2017-09-19)
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is easily transmitted through the air. Tuberculosis mostly attacks the lungs, but this disease can also attack other organs called extrapulmonary. The Extra pulmonary tuberculosis ...
Assessment of Teacher Performance Using Technique For Other Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
(IEEE, 2018-10-17)
Teacher performance assessment is intended to create a professional teacher. Every teacher is a professional in his or her field and in recognition of their work performance, teacher performance assessment should be done ...